
@JudgeReinhold:disqus Don't know if you watch the secret scenes, but nothing has made me like Cochran more than this clip: http://www.cbs.com/shows/su…

Matt is more competent than I thought as well, but there's something to be said for his confessional where he was calling himself the swing vote, and then immediately deferred to Mike in the next scene.

@avclub-a1967e6de4ca99fb2635d94b99453928:disqus  @avclub-a5fdfa672284da6bf4f4326e2b3698bd:disqus Yeah, Shane and Penner tell the same story. The question is, which one was 2nd and which one was 3rd in line?

Okay, fine. None of them qualify for the "black female" casting checkbox.

I am unapologetic in my love for all-star seasons, but in the case of the other seasons with returnees, I've always been aware of the history after the fact. This is the first season where I know every player on the Favorites side, and I can already tell it's going to be a blast to watch.

I see what you're saying, and I was definitely hoping a first boot would get a second chance at some point. Still though, if we're going on the rules of casting this season (no winners, no 2-time players, post-season 15), I would have much rather seen Natalie Bolton, Erinn Lobdell, Chelsea Meissner, even Abi-Maria.

Corinne's great. Her and Randy both deserved to play again, and I'm glad the producers realized that. Hopefully she does better than Randy in HvV.

As a fellow west-coaster who just moved out here, can you explain to me how time works? Shows that started at 8 in central time seem to just be randomly decided here. Walking Dead starts at 6, Justified starts at 10.

I only noticed that the idol had earrings.

Take Ami out of that equation and I agree. She was running shit for 2/3 of Vanuatu. She absolutely deserved to be brought back.

You know, Brandon actually impressed me by targeting Andrea, who in my opinion should have been the vote this episode. I don't know who was talking about relationships outside the game, but I was also impressed with Brandon saying (paraphrasing) "None of that matters out here." I'm more surprised than anyone else, and

Her and Danielle were truly WTF choices in HvV. Neither did anything remotely heroic OR villainous in their respective seasons. If anything, Candice should have been a villain for her mutiny! I mean, you know Penner, who did the exact same thing, would have been a villain.

@m0nit0rman:disqus Don't go thinking these players are fans just because the show says so. A lot of them have "recruit" written all over them.

@avclub-a1967e6de4ca99fb2635d94b99453928:disqus  Amber would like to have a word with you

May have been dumb, but hardly the worst thing someone's said on the sidelines during a challenge.

They canceled that shit? Even after they got Lisa to be his co-host?

Don't they give the players sunscreen? Could have sworn I read that.

@FuriousGiorge:disqus  That's very disheartening if it's true, so I'm going to assume it isn't. Jeff Varner to this day is one of my favorite contestants ever, mostly because he was such a great shit disturber. He single-handedly started the infamous fight between Kimmi and Alicia, just by whispering a little

I think that's why watching as a kid is essential. I know if I ever have spawn they will be watching this show before they understand storytelling conventions.

"Twenty-Two" will always be one of my favorites, simply because my mom watched it when she was a kid, and my grandfather continuously tried to freak his children out, by dashing into their den at random times and yelling "Room for one more, HONEY!"