Ron Swansons Swan Song

Like what you like and love so hard it can hurt, but seriously, fuck Big Bang Theory.

I'm sorry, but what does this have to do with Regionals?

Zoidberg's transcendent Peace Dance

What do you expect, his daughter's Canadian.

Hey Richter, I'll see you at the coke binge!


Encapsulate the spirit of melancholy. Easy. Boom, a sad desk.

Get me Kaputnik and Fonebone. I wanna see their drawings for the "New Kids on the Bleech."

Childrens' Hospital cameo
It takes a lot to stand out among so many ridiculous cameos, but Jon Hamm had me crying when he Tootsie'd everyone on Childrens' Hospital.

Season 1, Ep. 13 - "Investigative Journalism"

They'll put it in her
street's behind

I went there with my brother while we were roadtripping to his bachelor party. We had a goal to stop at as many "fucking crazy Kansas highway attractions" as possible.

Well, he did refer to it as "our nausea." Now that nausea can be shared by a grateful nation.

There's a new daddy in town
A discipline daddy.

You can't just have your characters announce how they feel! That makes me feel an-[falls off 30 foot platform onto 2D Green Goblin cutout]

I also know that quoted line isn't from Segel, but it's one of my favorite moments in the episode, aside from Lloyd checking out the situation from the urinal, and quickly deciding to bolt.

"That's probably because you've got some leftover pulp"

That was the old Fry. He's dead now.

Uhhh… A wizard did it.