
I've been aware of Trump for most of my life, thought he was a mostly harmless attention whore. I saw him on Letterman, he'd pop up in the news now and then, and I knew he had a TV show last decade which I never saw. Frankly, I had no real opinion about him — he was a Kardashian type figure to me. Don't follow

Agreed. Having said that, they haven't put out a good record in 38 years.

The Blue Jays wildcard game on Tuesday got nearly 5 million viewers in Canada. That's nearly 1 in 7 Canadians watching the game.

Police era Sting is the only good Sting.

Jesus Christ, where did you grow up? I don't know anybody who's has ever had a gun pulled on them, but I know a couple who have been attacked by bears.

If this was about literally anything else, I might have confused it for a Trump tweet.

Go on….

I love She's a Rainbow. It's so upbeat, outdated, and great!

From what I've seen, Wentz is pretty Tebowy with the God stuff. He's likely saving his dick for Jesus, or a new gun.

Thank fuck the closest show to me is far enough away that my wife won't go/force me to go with her!

The best thing about the William Hayes, "dinosaurs aren't real" thing was his reasoning. He basically said that because he's never seen them, they can't be real. I wish someone had asked him if he believed in God.

It doesn't work that way, it's all about your physique. I'm 5'10 and when I was running marathons annually in my thirties, I weighed between 185 and 190. I have broad shoulders and hips, a wide chest and thick legs. When I quit running so much, I could get up to 225 pounds and most people couldn't tell I was fat

I remember in the late 90s there was a line of Old Dutch, I believe, called Xtra Salt and vinegar. It was at least twice as vinegary as the usual and after eating a bag, the next day you could pull a whole layer of skin off your tounge and cheeks. They were awesome.

I always liked Milo Minderbinder.

Imogen Poots.

Officer Meow Meow Fuzzyface is my favourite.

Mr. Poopybutthole is the name of my favourites list on the cable box.

Jesus, I totally forgot about River's Edge. What a great movie. Dennis Hopper in peak Hopper form. Keanu in a role he's perfect for. Crispin Glover! Must rewatch, thanks for the reminder!

I enjoy it for what it is, but I don't get the amount of praise either. It's a good show. It's not the revelation that some would have you believe.

Teenage boys are, by their very nature, assholes. Some guys figure out that they are assholes and grow up. Others do not. Steve did and good for him. He's a very likable character.