ALL college football teams are surely guilty of impropriety when recruiting. No institution is more hypocritical than the NCAA which ultimately cares about money much more than integrity. Cam Newton and his dad are a dime a dozen. Just got caught, that's all.
As a kid, we actually played something called Broomball in Phys ed. It's played on a hockey rink with curling type straw brooms and a rubber ball a little smaller than a soccer ball. It's basically hockey in concept, but with brooms! There are even special shoes with spongy rubber bottoms that allow for better…
As a Broncos fan, I'd like to extend a heartfelt thanks for the clean hit on the rapist.
mmmmmm…shiny supermodel coochy.
He was pretty good last week, give him a break!
We named our new dog Toki.
That will happen when you're not allowed to drink or do drugs anymore.
Overly emotional, artsy, dramatic singers. There is a comparison to be made. Plus, Adele once covered Hooker with a Penis if I recall the last tour.
I don't think it's over rated. It's a good show, it's well made, and has a good/great cast. My problem with it is that I'm just not that interested in the storylines and characters. Apart from the Tambor character everyone is some shade of unlikeable and while I have empathy for the principal point of the show,…
That is patently untrue. So very many artists have made much more money making much, much more horrible music.
I've been with my wife for 10 years. She didn't like Rush when we met but constant exposure to the music, 4 concerts, and especially the Beyond the Lighted Stage documentary have turned her into a casual fan with the capacity to appreciate and even enjoy them and their music. By the time the R40 tour rolled by she…
Not the biggest Signals fan either, but Subdivisions, Analog Kid and New World Man are great songs. The live version of Losing It from R40 is amazing too.
Etcetera, etcetera…
I stopped watching a couple of seasons ago, and from what I saw, they were not physically affectionate towards one another because they fucking hate each other. Their relationship was the most obnoxious, annoying, passive-aggressive shit fest ever and is a big part of why I quit the show. What a couple of whiny,…
I once got a blow job from a 14 year old girl.
I was 14.
It just occurred to me that I might be an idiot.
I'm pretty sure that the writers of this show realize that most everyone who watches does so high. Z-weed for all!
Imagine American Horror Story in terms of silly, but far more campy.
If you're capable of enjoying a show purely because it's a goofy and fun ride with little to no real substance, and you like the post-apocalyptic zombie genre, it's great. I genuinely like it, and I'm definitely not a "it's so bad it's great" kind of movie/tv viewer. My wife and I watch Walking Dead and she…