
I torrented it. Oh man. It's like a soft core porno that makes erections die.

Oh Yeah
Better Off Ted

I'm surprised to hear so much support for it, but I'm planning on checking it out now.

The Che roadshow was great. I wish more filmmakers would do stuff like that.

Animal Collective
Neko Case
Probably Andrew Bird (though I haven't really gotten to listen to it more than once yet)

Ladydisdain, have I finally found you?

Watch out for Gollum and the Evil One, or they'll creep up and slip away with her.

Talking apes: always funny.

I do think it looks funny, but I'm just saying, I could use a break.

You could probably understand a fraction of it.

Tom Waits, both.

Yeah, David Cross played Ginsberg in I'm Not There because he was born to play Ginsberg. He didn't even have to act, just grow a beard.

Man, Verizon is good. Even on Golgotha.

OH! OH! Ham Glaze?

This Honkey Highness Be Trippin'

HOT, dammit

Nevermind. How ham water FTW

Cannibalism, with George Benson

Yeah, I really like Seth Rogen, but I think he should take a year or so off, and give me a chance to say "Hey, Seth Rogen hasn't come out with a movie in the past week. Wierd."

Danny McBride to ousted King:
You're fuckin' out!