Lord Sterilicus

The true power of Talyor Swift's womanly parts is beyond comprehension. Madness.

The true power of Talyor Swift's womanly parts is beyond comprehension. Madness.

Yikes! Hence my moniker!

Yikes! Hence my moniker!


He looks like an age-enhanced photo of Kenney Chesney.

He looks like an age-enhanced photo of Kenney Chesney.

A porkpie hat, a vinyl Black Keys release, and Grimes keychain.

Gay Dad Bukaki?

Does the Golden Retriever wear a bandana?

"South Bi"

Why? Is he dying?


Sasha Gray anyone? Hellooooooo?

Would make a great mobile meth lab. The rich me would buy it, fill it with explosives, and raffle off the chance to blow it to SMITHEREENS…

Ellsworth, there never really was a buddy was there. It's okay. You are among friends here.

Reading this article only made me wonder why Jack White was standing in his underwear.

As I read this article, I was thinking "Hmm,Tom Hanks is looking kinda pudgy.". I wish I could wear pink lipstick too.

For shows like 'Breaking Bad', do they consider that many of us download that show because we do not have cable? I know tons of people who watch 'Breaking Bad'. Can't see why the rating is so low.

I thought it was great. "Drive" is a grower not a shower. One of my favorite scenes is when Cranston's character gets knifed by Brooks and Brooks says (paraphrasing) "It's okay, it's painless, it will be over soon." And it made me think of the Kosher Slaughterhouses. This movie is going to be a classic. Not popular