Ripple Red

Some of cocaine's best work is more like it.

I'm not sure. Where could I find more information about such an activity?

I'm not sure. Where could I find more information about such an activity?

It is good. There is a part in that book about a serial killer. Scared the crap out of me when I read it.

It is good. There is a part in that book about a serial killer. Scared the crap out of me when I read it.

I've seen that movie and I don't remember a butt rape scene. I'm not saying it wasn't there, but I don't remember it. That's a bit sad.

I've seen that movie and I don't remember a butt rape scene. I'm not saying it wasn't there, but I don't remember it. That's a bit sad.

I did edit it. But let the record reflect that my edit was due to your witty reply.

The gun holster might be true to history, but that hammer obviously came from Home Depot.

UPDATE: Song removed. Story useless.

Here's what will happen: Zimmmerman will get arrested and charged, he will then go to trial, he will then be acquitted because the jury will be instructed on self-defense according to the bullshit stand your ground legistlation, everybody will go nuts again.

Also, her vocals are way too buried in the mix. The acoustic version is much better in this respect.

This album is pretty solid. That is all.

The Andrews Sisters. Them dames were robots.

I don't watch this show on the regular, but when I do, I'm consistently impressed with Shepherd's acting ability. There was a scene last night where he was arguing with the mother of his kid and it was some of the best acting I've seen on tv in a while. No bullshit.

The album is also on Spotify. I would like to, with zero percent snarkiness, say, "Thanks for the recommendation." There, I did it.

I'm pretty sure Larry David did Steinbrenner's voice.

I haven't had a song become so addicting as this one in a long time. Seems like it's a huge hit everywhere but America. It will be interesting to see if it catches on here. The album was release this week in the States.

I don't think the retort is pathetic at all. In fact, I think it is quite good. +1 for the fact that is has "your mother" in it and +2 for the fact that Slater is so high it's pretty amazing he thought of it while O'Bannion was still in the parking lot.

Take that, Mr. Redford.