Popular Mobilization for the L

Laybourne did the scene himself because Troy is that important.

"This finale grade can also double as a season grade: B. It's just thoroughly average to me, dipping up or down slightly from week to week."

The very strange views you hold about what people want and desire, that do not at all match what I want and desire and do not match what I believe I have seen others wanting and desiring, make you come across as a particularly selfish and dark person in this review.

So, the Shawn in a bed thing was for the plot?

I like Glenn and Maggie.

Jenna Elfman isn't an African American.

Rick killing Shane was self defense.  He had to be clever about it to ensure he was the one that survived the tussle. He has not gone back on anything.

The scientists have recategorized all those fossils as apatochitis right?

True or not, Mr. McNutt should have gone with your explanation as it would build the legend.

Typing on a laptop without a functioning monitor?

"Because if the script was derailed the last time by casting a hammy
actor whose personality ended up totally overwhelming the story, better
to go with someone who can just blend in and submit himself to the role,
like William Shatner."

Most people in the US think the US is NOT doing it is the problem, American Exceptionalism and all that. Or that when the US does it it is somehow more 'necessary' than when countries facing US invasion and aggression partake in it.

As someone who enjoys academic conversations with educated people about issues of morality, it was kinda interesting to watch a set of stupid characters stumble through not really talking about it. The washing the hands and not wanting to deal with it struck me a quite plausible. It is what most people do every day

Conrad is no more horrible than capitalists that own tobacco companies, arms dealers, factories in China, or mercenary and security firms. The main difference is that what he did was illegal and any sensible person know that legality has no relationship to decency or morality.  He still loves his not-daughter.

He sits in jail without bail!

I really think you read the April think totally wrong. She hated them complaining. She got drunk and told them their complaining was stupid, because she hated it, and then, much like the reviewer apparently, they misread this as trying to keep them together because they actually were stupid to be complaining, rather

As a grade school child I really loved Godzilla films. Interestingly, this was not my first interest in Japanese media brought to the US& A, but that is neither here not there.

The show isn't great, but it is good enjoyable fun. For disposable entertainment, it is good clean fun.

What was refreshing and quite good writing was that the show came up with a plausible linchpin, despite the jingoistic crap about the world being less safe without a bloated US military invading and killing all over the world.

This show is filled with incredibly stupid people. I think once we accept that the show is not about clever people and that incredible luck and contrivance is all that will save their lives, we might enjoy the show more. After all, even in a zombie apocalypse there will be Forest Gump like characters that will survive