Yeah Jimmy really deserves a full week of new shows to be judged by. I hope you guys re-arrange the schedule…
Yeah Jimmy really deserves a full week of new shows to be judged by. I hope you guys re-arrange the schedule…
I was hoping Todd would review this one and tell us how much potential it has but isn't showing…yet. Oh, well, maybe he will for "Work It"…
I LOVE Community, but this might be my least favorite one in a long while. Todd was great, but Chang's story murdered this episode. Too jumbled and disconnected from the A-story. It was distracting. The tag was the only thing that made me consistently laugh but that's only a minute worth of show
I don't think I've ever seen a show miss on every level. Horrible writing, absolutely zero comedic timing to land any of the horrible jokes given, stereotypes left and right, crass for the sake of crass with no substance behind it… Just a train wreck.
Fun Fact: Alanna Ubach actually played Danny Devito's teenage DAUGHTER in the little seen (except for, I think, only me) movie Renaissance Man. Which makes it all the creepier to see them making out…
another one
You also missed Manchester Orchestra in 2011…and 2009….and 2006. Which is weird cause their not some obscure band. They have a pretty big following especially now… I was kinda surprised a search for them netted nothing on this entire site…