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    I actually read this. It's an extremely quick read and I had to look up how many pages it had once I was done(read on my kindle).

    Sun Media Group make a lot of bad tourist videos, subway ads disguised as tv shows and other such "media" so if his new company does that I can see why they have a lot things going.

    I hope I'm not the only one who thought JJ was blind at first.

    I thought it was interesting. Don't know about an entire film of it. The river scene looked neat.

    So Jerry can get shot up and no one cares because they know he can be healed by alien science, but Bird person gets popped and Rick freaks out?

    So they're the bad guys right? They left the community gate open, freed the zombies from the arena, and other terrible things.

    Oh sorry yeah I've seen his stuff just not good with celebrity names. I guess a lot of people like him, but he seems to be in every thing now even iphone commercials.

    Hate how well I remember that Sonic Underground theme song.

    When Jerry is saying how he would push her on the swings and she would go so high. Summer said she would pee her pants.

    I didn't know that guy's name before, Bill Hader, but I never find him funny. Seems to get a lot of work though.

    Another reference to Summer peeing herself.

    They still make new episodes of Spongebob?

    Show is really falling to grab my attention. This and TWD seem to just pull their shit together for the season openers and finales. Offer little bits during the season and a finale that answers less questions than asks.

    I only watched the first few episodes of Heroes before stopping. This episode seems to have the same problem I felt the first series had which was bad dialogue and bad cliches. When the girl said "your secret….is safe with me." I really should have stopped watching. The ice cream bar was also really weird and to me…

    His short was less than 30 seconds and wasn't even funny.

    The problem is most well done mainland China films are banned. I have to wait for Jia Zhangke films to come out on DVD because no theatre is allowed to show em. Most film festivals are shut down by police the day of for bullshit reasons.

    The main problem with the first episode last night was that it just wasn't funny. It felt like a bunch of people around a table couldn't decide what the show should be so everyone just started yelling shows they like "The Office!, 30 Rock!"

    New side plot needs to be abusive mom. She has always hit him so he turned to the streets where a man sold him some thing that would let him forget.

    In Total Rickall I found it interesting how twice they pointed out how Summer is gross. Guess it was just for the one episode, but it would be cool if they mentioned it more.

    I don't see what's wrong with observing a zombie through a fence. Seems a safe way to check out the new threat. The Spanish guy calling them weak just seems like bad writing. Why didn't he have a gun in his barber shop if he's such a badass?