
I don't know if it's necessarily unfair, because the show is built around Olivia. Even though you're right about Mellie being a better constructed character, Olivia has a lot more moments to shine than Mellie does. I think if Washington was as good as Young, we'd be able to tell.

I think I have a problem with Washington going too grand all the time. If she took a more subtle approach in some of her scenes, the moments where she goes grand would hit harder. She should learn that from Julianna Margulies, who most of the time does a discreet (but effective) job on The Good Wife, but every once in

I don't think she's perfect, but I disagree about where she tends to fail. I think she's very good when she's in the "oddly-percussive-belligerence" mode, but depending on the situation, I don't like when she plays "wounded and about to cry". I think she plays that note waaaay too much and too high sometimes and it

Peih-gee and Jamie throwing the challenge is a classic and to make it even more funny, the next challenge they changed their minds and James was the one who wanted to throw the challenge, only he couldn't. Hysterical. And this season has also the funniest first bootever: https://www.youtube.com/wat…

@avclub-a1967e6de4ca99fb2635d94b99453928:disqus  Malcolm wasn't bitter about Denise. Or at least he had no reason to be bitter about her. He had every reason to be bitter about Lisa, though, who had betrayed him by revealing his Immunity Idol and even said in his last Tribal Council that she saw no reason to keep him

@avclub-008bf13a8f7be64451ccbe21fb672c96:disqus But how has he played the game actively, other than in the challeges? Sure, he VIEWS himself as the swing vote, but he ultimately just goes with the majority. I can't see any strategizing, any plans, NOTHING from him. You can say that he's playing the Sandra game in the

Erik reminds me more of Christina from One World, who was an absolute waste of space and who was dragged until (I think) final 4 and when it was clear that it was over for her, she did nothing about it. There's NOBODY who wants to take Erik to final 3, they're just keeping him around because he's not a threat to

I'll never understand how so many people loved that movie. I mean, there are some good moments (particularly the surprise cameo), but the romance between Stone and Eisenberg is kinda awful and I think Woody Harrelson was trying waaaaaaaay too hard here.

The Justified episode was kinda boring, unfortunately. Certainly, the worst episode of season 4.

I would LOVE an opportunity to discuss and rewatch Digimon, but I don't think there's much meat to it to devote full reviews to each episode. Maybe if they reviewed three or four episodes at once, though.

How does it compare to Treme, slow-wise? I'd say Treme's probably the slowest show on TV right now (and that's part of why I love it).

No more reviews of Nurse Jackie? Why? Did the show's readership was too low or did you guys run out of things to say as the show returned once again to its status quo?

The show is ALWAYS great when it's more serious and incredibly uneven (if not utterly mediocre) when it comes down to the comedy that I wish it was just a drama. Or at least a dramedy. But it's on ABC, so there's no way that will happen.

And yet, that show managed to last for four more seasons after Valerie Harper left it, not to mention two name changes (first they changed it to Valerie's Family, then to The Hogan Family). Honestly, how did that happen? It just seems like a miracle.

Hmm, that makes sense. And I do know that Who's Still Standing? was sold overseas in some countries.

Sure, but in order for that to happen, they have to at least give the show SOME chance. They could have slated the show on summer or at least on Fridays, after Happy Endings ends its run. But they decided to go with Saturdays, where the show's bound to die. Because of that, I can only assume ABC greenlight the show,

Why do network TV keep greenlighting these ridiculous game shows if they won't even bother to air them appropriately? NBC burned off Who's Still Standing? and Take it All in an entire week and ABC's now airing this one on Saturdays. Surely they can't be expecting it to succeed.

It was good in season 1, when it didn't took itself so serious and it was mainly just about the group trying to get to sectionals and then regionals. But in season 2 the show actually thought anybody gave a shit about its charicatures and its usual heavy handiness turned almost every dramatic and serious moment into

Yeah, absolutely, that too. I like a definition Sepinwall used for his review for the finale: comfort food. That's exactly what the show was this year. It wasn't one of the best shows on TV anymore, but it was very pleasant and nice to watch.

I feel like I laughed significantly less this season than I did in the others. Maybe because they were just playing the notes it worked before instead of creating new ones, which made the show feel a little more predictable than it used to (though that predictability never really annoyed me, it just made me laugh less