
This isn't the office because Harmon is trying to show that all of these characters have flaws that make them not work with each other. None of relationships have worked so far (besides, as Abed is reminding us, his own very underdeveloped one that is going on in the background maybe?) and it seems as though none of

That was a great joke, and also important seeing as they actually played a prominent role in this one and were both very good

jeez that was a long read…but damnit if it involves anything about adventure time i'll read the crap out of it. it's incredible that after as long a season as that, the show is back after just a month off.

I think you're right on a whole, but as mcfarland mentioned in the review, he doesn't think that what Shaun is in is technically a "real" realationship in the way that he's treated Juliet. Shaun has definitely evolved over the course of the series, but a critic would look for more constant evolution in a main

I can understand the dislike of the show because it really brakes the rules of what a show is supposed to be from a critic's perspective. Shaun doesn't much evolve, and many characters were underserved, but god damn if this show wasn't entertaining at times. It had the references and guest spots to always make you

if you really think about it, adventure time is all about insomnia

i honestly don't know how i'm going to last until next season without this show. does anyone know if there's a rough release date?

yvette nicole brown (shirley) just guested on psych, always nice to have more shirley in my life

"fan-service" is really all anyone can ask for if you take into account the strange way that the film actually came together. It'll be good to see the cast back together even if the story line can't always hold up. Honestly, in the end the story lines weren't always the best part of the show anyway

i don't think i've ever watched any of these shows and never planned to, but i hope regular show coverage isn't cancelled, i've been planning to watch that for a while

just got 21,627 today and i think i've spent way to much time playing. love the game though, and it really does have a lot of strategy involved once you get into it

Abed and Rachel were watching Rick and Morty on the tv towards the end of the episode!!! Harmon dropping easter eggs left and right, but that's a show Abed would definitely watch

wow, a B seems a bit low. i loved this episode, not as much tina as you would have liked, but every word she said was awesome and louise was great throughout. I don't understand people who think louise is too mean, she has never done anything truly malicious and always shows a softer side when the time is right. every

OK i get that they go in different directions, but wasn't the plot of Her eerily similar that of the first episode of Black mirror's second season??? the protagonist falls in love with a sentient computer program after struggling through a death/break up. Both describe the wonders that this type of relationship can

this has been great, thanks for writing about this show

well the HUGE reference was how the weird exec guy called gus into his office and promoted him instead of firing as Gus had thought

also, to everyone hoping shawn suddenly becomes psychic, I really think that would be the downfall of the show. The whole show was built on the premise that he's not psychic and how he plays off that opening premise with his keen detective skills honed by his Father, somehow developing psychic skill would be

I was a bit skeptical at the beginning where he was replaying the end of last weeks episode over in his head before I realized that the dual reality theme would continue throughout the episode and then I began to really like this one. I thought it was especially important that Jules clear up what many psych fans were

like Jules said, he knew there was a trash shoot from having looked at the floor plans and because she could not have survived a jump out the window and because she wouldn't have gone down the stairs, the trash shoot was the most likely explanation. I really don't think they are trying to make shawn look even a bit

i just saw this article, and immediately thought of jenna, but also wanted to look and see if someone else had thought of this too and you had. Thank you