The Mighty Monarch

With the usual caveat that MadTV did, in fact, suck, I would also offer up the sketch that depicted a duet between Randy Newman and Rob Zombie. Hilarious. And speaking of Rob Zombie, does all this '90s band news mean we are soon in line for a White Zombie reunion????

PD Meets PD!
Just when I thought I couldn't love this show any more, they toss in references to Pete's Dragon, one of my all time favortie Disney movies! It's been said already but it bears repeating, DIE ABC DIE!!!

I would buy this….
If it was from Spaghetti Cat. That is all.

Touche AGG, that Conan appearance is pretty fantastic. I wil have to seek out that footage of Norm on the View, however…

Dirty Work
What, no mentions of Dirty Work, clearly the best work that either he or Norm McDonald have ever done?

Invoking North, Scott? Wow, this must be even worse than I thought. I do agree with Your Mother that King of Kong was awesome though. Maybe they'll let him direct the adaptation and he can redeem himself for this travesty.

What, no mention of the awesomeness of Diamond Dallas Page in this movie? Let's be serious, he was better than most of the rest of the case (except Forsythe).
Seriously, though, I never at any point found myself rooting for the Firefly clan, even during the Freebird shootout. Their complete lack of any humanity

So, Pushing Daisies gets canceled and Knight Rider gets another season. Damn you ABC, damn you.