Snidely Q. Dooshbaghe

I told you that in confidence! Hmmph.

Heard it and the jam slams to a halt as soon El-P starts to spit his tone deaf terribleness. Del is solid, but El is weak sauce, G. Diluted. Hmmph.

You're so Raven!

Deadly Serious Demeanor just called and he wants his utter lack of awareness back. Hmmph.

Don't mean to be rude but you're inverted.

And it's Quohlbaire. Hmmph.

Tossed some water from a mug, tentatively, from a safe distance.

Didn't Scalia do Bill O'Reilly? I know, I know, Fox News isn't a real network, it's just the feverish wet dream of a pubescent sociopath.

Now you're just being ridiculous. Shankar is already booked for Oliver Sacks welcoming party in Heaven. Or in Nirvana… Is Nirvana a place?

Killer Mike is the real deal, but El-P? No thank you. Hmmph.

Wrong, but partial credit for effort. Hmmph.

"If it lays an egg, it will fall down the back of the television set."

If the recent rash of news stories of White police officers killing unarmed Black people are any indication his belief may possibly be understandable. His position is also perhaps supported by every single solitary moment of every single one of the past three to four hundred years of brutal, savage, murderous racism

Reeses Feces

Blue Blood is thicker than, well, anything else.

Thanks, I'll check it out. I was always suspicious when my textbooks or professors seemed too confident about a particular issue in history that clearly had to be more complex and conflicted and ambiguous then was being presented, especially when it involved something as inflammatory as slavery, race, and Southern

Yep, the math checks out.


Actually, the history of pop music is rife with examples of blatant theft, where the tune has been outright stolen from an older, perhaps regionally popular song. Often, the appropriated source of pop music was folk, gospel, blues, or even classical songs. There were many songs that were recorded many times, each time

Tell me you're kidding.