Snidely Q. Dooshbaghe

MFA - Menial Fact Aggregator

tl;dr — Too much like an annoying ad interrupting my AV Club reading and commenting pleasure. Hmmph.

Where I live in New Jersey (not to be confused with plain old Jersey) they've recently removed the last roundabout—we call them traffic circles—and I'm sorry to see it go. I consider the roundabout to be the true test of worthiness to exist upon this planet. If you can't figure out the proper way to navigate a

Most Type A successful people—whether in business, sports, or politics (and religion)—are some form of sociopath in that their world view is entirely self focused and their experiences are filtered by their relevance in aiding them to achieve their own narrow goals. Successful people usually possess an exceptionally

You're silly.

If it's a legitimate rape marriage, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down.

No, some misogynists are surprisingly well educated, well traveled, sophisticated gentlemen. We call them Father, or Pastor or Your Eminence. Hmmph.

The pointless spectacle of the debates as well as the hype for and against Trump proves why George Carlin and David Letterman (and I, of course!) are so perfectly right about just how doomed we all are. These are the end days of the Great American Experiment, the twilight of humanity upon this afflicted, failing

Dude *shakes head slowly* Dude…

I'll investigate. Thank you.

Without calling out any one particular aspect of this peculiar program, nor any one of its doubly peculiar fans, I have no choice but to insist that you all cease and desist from your misguided, preposterous ruse. I'm on to you all. The jig is up, the smoke has cleared, and the pig is out of the poke. OK, dear sweet

Could you please inform me of what other novelty Twitter accounts are also enjoyable? Asking for myself.

Innternets is the plase of best spelings.

Why axe the qweschun if yew don want th anser;

You do realize, don't you, that Dane Cook is still considered a part of humanity? Also, Megyn* Kelley. And me. Hmmph.

You mock me. Hmmph.

Keep your day jobs. Unless your day jobs are also making horrible music. Yeuch. Hmmph.

Jane Fonda is a fascinating actress because for me her most compelling, arresting quality is her almost painfully raw emotionalism. In her more noteworthy critically praised roles she is predominantly a desperate woman whose naked vulnerability is on full display. That quaver in her voice and that wide-eyed almost

No Will, that joke did not make me crack up. Maybe if you'd asked if that yoke made me crack up I'd now be guffawing like a drunken fat sailor. But no, I am not guffawing like a drunken fat sailor. Rather, I am instead solemnly, stern facedly pecking out this imperious retort.

You own home movies? Hmmph.