You live your rich, rewarding life your way, and I'll live my desperate, vapid life my way.
You live your rich, rewarding life your way, and I'll live my desperate, vapid life my way.
Never the wrong answer.
I'm actually Malamute.
Uh… what was the question?
We'd order The Special as though we were being ironic but really we were just being cheap because I don't think anyone actually likes the taste of PBR in a can. After 3 or 4 of them we'd stagger to a more upscale bar and stupidly blow a ridiculous amount of cash hoping to impress some strange.
I was drinking PBR semi-ironically back in the mid-late 90's. There's a bar in Philly on South Street near 15th, Bob and Barbara's, that's had a $3 special for 20 years - a shot of Jim Beam and a can of PBR. The place is decorated with a shitload of PBR memorabilia. Used to have a great Jazz trio, Nate Wiley and the…
Is Jawbreaker a real band that made real music, or is it one of those fake artists from an old TV show such as Hanna Montana, or Josie and the Pussycats, or Jesus?
Ralph Bashki should have done The Hobbit instead of the unsatisfying truncated LotR that he did.
That editorial department could sure use some good editing. Soooo many.
But from where, then, shall I procure my $35 barrels of stale over-salted popcorn and $35 half-kegs of diabetes-inducing high fructose corn syrup liquid?
It should have been a TV series. Or a highway billboard campaign. Hmmph.
Death by a thousand cuts. If only. Hmmph.
How do you get a video to appear in the thread like this?
A hairy footed boy's strange erotic journey from Milan to Minsk.
And they're going to paint everyone's faces in goofy clown makeup, and put their pinkies in a glass of water, for science!
All three all at once in an actual theater?! Oh good, now I'll be able to sleep through them in public!
I'd need an entire Rum Ham to endure this estrogen nightmare. Hmmph.
I was told there'd be no geometry. Hmmph.
I guess Lifetime passed on this rancid turd. Hmmph.