Tales to Enrage

This is actually why I don't have Gamefly-I have a bad habit of reaching a stopping point in games that's less natural and more "Oh, this is going to require some kind of grinding" and then never playing them again. Sometimes that's the right decision, but most of the time it's not. At this point, I'm making a

It seemed like a suicide mission, but you could see it as the Founders value sacrifice when necessary. Wiping out the combined fleets of the three major powers in the Alpha Quadrant in one fell swoop? Hell, it's hard to argue against that on pragmatic terms.

"Daddy, why am I so filled with despair and hopelessness now?"
"Why, that just means you're a proper O'Brien now, Molly! Remember not to show it to strangers, because they'll be too frightened by the emptiness of life if they glimpse it in your eyes."

Down that path lies madness and giant, impossibly moist….eyes.

How about the LTC-Living Therapy Couch? I initially wanted to go with Walking Therapy Couch, but…well, not the best acronym now.

Yeah, it would work as a reveal before the final commercial break, but not something at the start or the middle of the episode.

Ah, okay. I kind of prefer my mental image, but that makes sense.

Term of art? Did Gallifrey have time vorteces hanging in their art galleries?


I think they still would have gone to get her, just knowing it would be a funeral rather than a rescue. Kind of a "We're this far already, she shouldn't have her body left alone on this strange planet." But yeah, you'd have different characters advocating different approaches, both in whether or not to tell her and if

It would actually have been pretty bracing and dark (but in a good way) if they had realized the time shift before they arrived, and struggled with whether or not to tell Lisa.

I think I would say the DS9 crew is a family, and a more interesting and realistic one than TNG-though that's because they got to benefit from some of the issues TNG had to work out. However, I think it's telling that at least one of the issues Lisa has to give advice about was invented whole cloth for this episode,

Yeah, that was pretty dumb. I have some fondness for "The Sound Of Her Voice" because I like the affection in the ending between the characters (even though in the cold light of day, it's kind of weird and creepy that they couldn't save Lisa). But even the most forgiving view of the episode has to see that part and go

I will grant The Sound Of Her Voice this much: there is no suggestion that the magic time atmosphere would let them go back in time to save her. As for why she had to be time shifted, I assume it's just so they'd have a reason why she wouldn't know about the Dominion War. I don't think that's really a compelling

Nope. They've got good things happening in the margins (which automatically puts it above The Thing That Just Happened A Week Ago), but their main plots don't work well enough.

Damn straight. Don't worry, Zack, this is the true nadir of DS9. If you're recovered enough to watch Time's Orphan next week, it's not great, but it's never this bad again.

Much loved character from a cancelled series has a point, though-even admitting Sisko has limits doesn't mean he's not Jake's hero. I hadn't thought about it like that.

Wow. That is an even darker version of the story. Imagine if Jake hadn't been trying to argue against this foolhardy plan, but using his reporter's instincts to reconstruct how the senior officers died, and realizing that things don't add up? Too much plot for one episode, but it's the sort of thing that could have

My best guess is that saying you're in command and actually having it are two different things. Even if the idea had occurred to Nog (or Jake had pointed it out), I don't know if Red Squad would have just nodded and followed Nog's orders. Which could have made for an interesting problem if both Jake and Nog had been

Is that a song lyric? It sounds like one to me.