Tales to Enrage



@avclub-d1348cfe54a94fe6f986775cedd75fdd:disqus That sounds like some kind of Religious Right nightmare. "The Catholics and the Scientists cut us off from Jesus and are holding God for ransom!"

@avclub-d1348cfe54a94fe6f986775cedd75fdd:disqus That sounds like some kind of Religious Right nightmare. "The Catholics and the Scientists cut us off from Jesus and are holding God for ransom!"

Damn it, now I'm stuck with the image of O'Brien and Sisko in an over-the-top action buddy cop movie.

Damn it, now I'm stuck with the image of O'Brien and Sisko in an over-the-top action buddy cop movie.

On Netflix Instant, at least, "Through the Looking Glass" is put before "Improbable Cause" and "The Die is Cast," which are right after the other. Though I wonder if Zach will separate the two anyway, as the current order would either require splitting them to two weeks, or juggling the production order to join them

On Netflix Instant, at least, "Through the Looking Glass" is put before "Improbable Cause" and "The Die is Cast," which are right after the other. Though I wonder if Zach will separate the two anyway, as the current order would either require splitting them to two weeks, or juggling the production order to join them

That's another reason it bugs me. Rewriting Zek's personality and upbringing is a more personal violation so it would remain wrong, but it's easier to buy him fighting against a developed societal focus on greed and wealth than some kind of ingrained biological instinct. Plus, economics is so much about what value you

That's another reason it bugs me. Rewriting Zek's personality and upbringing is a more personal violation so it would remain wrong, but it's easier to buy him fighting against a developed societal focus on greed and wealth than some kind of ingrained biological instinct. Plus, economics is so much about what value you

I agree with MNCyGuy that the Federation probably wouldn't withdraw….but that doesn't mean Bajor wouldn't be afraid the Federation would withdraw. The mistrust of the Federation is largely gone from the series by now, but I wouldn't be surprised if many high-ranking Bajorans (egged on by Kai Winn) assume the biggest

I agree with MNCyGuy that the Federation probably wouldn't withdraw….but that doesn't mean Bajor wouldn't be afraid the Federation would withdraw. The mistrust of the Federation is largely gone from the series by now, but I wouldn't be surprised if many high-ranking Bajorans (egged on by Kai Winn) assume the biggest

I'm hitting like anyway, but yeah, that always bugs me whenever you want to respond to something sad. "Hit like for the fact my mother died of cancer three years ago, and I still miss her terribly."

I'm hitting like anyway, but yeah, that always bugs me whenever you want to respond to something sad. "Hit like for the fact my mother died of cancer three years ago, and I still miss her terribly."

I thought about pointing that out myself, but Starfleet has such an exploration complex that they would consider it a horrible outcome. And then there's the fear that if you don't have a choke point like this, the Dominion could strike in the future with some crazy warp technology you don't have….but it's really "we

I thought about pointing that out myself, but Starfleet has such an exploration complex that they would consider it a horrible outcome. And then there's the fear that if you don't have a choke point like this, the Dominion could strike in the future with some crazy warp technology you don't have….but it's really "we

It is interesting, but the fact that it's referred to as de-evolving Zek to an earlier stage of Ferengi evolution bothers me on several levels. On the one hand, it's less creepy than actually manually rewriting his personality…on the other hand, it's more creepy because it treats him as less of an individual, like

It is interesting, but the fact that it's referred to as de-evolving Zek to an earlier stage of Ferengi evolution bothers me on several levels. On the one hand, it's less creepy than actually manually rewriting his personality…on the other hand, it's more creepy because it treats him as less of an individual, like

I'm glad that even with the Obsidian Order involved, the Cardassian experiment makes a lot of sense, given the Dominion has now been established. Not that communication through the wormhole would have been a bad thing beforehand, but now there's a pressing need for being able to warn DS9 and the Federation if a whole

I'm glad that even with the Obsidian Order involved, the Cardassian experiment makes a lot of sense, given the Dominion has now been established. Not that communication through the wormhole would have been a bad thing beforehand, but now there's a pressing need for being able to warn DS9 and the Federation if a whole