Tales to Enrage

"CylAngel, a new SyFy original movie, coming in October!"

"CylAngel, a new SyFy original movie, coming in October!"

Also, a resounding YES to the Keiko and O'Brien subplot praise. I know this ends up sidelining Keiko a lot, but you know what? That was happening already, and now there is at least a good reason for her to be offscreen for long periods of time. She's not teaching on the station but ignored, she is away doing what

Also, a resounding YES to the Keiko and O'Brien subplot praise. I know this ends up sidelining Keiko a lot, but you know what? That was happening already, and now there is at least a good reason for her to be offscreen for long periods of time. She's not teaching on the station but ignored, she is away doing what

I assumed that the reason Grillka was even vaguely interested in Quark outside of the politics was the fact that for once, she was dealing with a man who didn't seem likely to run off and get drunk, start a brawl, and have to be carted home instead of keeping their house from falling into disrepair. That's not meant

I assumed that the reason Grillka was even vaguely interested in Quark outside of the politics was the fact that for once, she was dealing with a man who didn't seem likely to run off and get drunk, start a brawl, and have to be carted home instead of keeping their house from falling into disrepair. That's not meant

Just three, though I don't have notifications on every review I read.

Just three, though I don't have notifications on every review I read.

I actually was offered that exact candy 6 months ago when my girlfriend and I bought a new mattress. I wasn't quite speechless, but I definitely was thinking "Really?"

I actually was offered that exact candy 6 months ago when my girlfriend and I bought a new mattress. I wasn't quite speechless, but I definitely was thinking "Really?"

I think the scariest moment in the whole episode is when the first dog is speaking Germanic-sounding gibberish. That was messed up.

I think the scariest moment in the whole episode is when the first dog is speaking Germanic-sounding gibberish. That was messed up.

I speak no French at this point. I took it in high school and college, but it withered away VERY quickly after I stopped taking classes.

I speak no French at this point. I took it in high school and college, but it withered away VERY quickly after I stopped taking classes.

I'm sure part of that relatively hands-off approach was also making sure they didn't have to support heavy barracks full of Jem'Hadar on every Dominion world. Doesn't matter how efficient they are to make and support compared to non-engineered soldiers, that is still going to become astronomical in cost for something

I'm sure part of that relatively hands-off approach was also making sure they didn't have to support heavy barracks full of Jem'Hadar on every Dominion world. Doesn't matter how efficient they are to make and support compared to non-engineered soldiers, that is still going to become astronomical in cost for something

I got laid off!

I got laid off!

"I see Commander Data has filed an exhaustive report on how he was emotionally manipulated by his evil brother into almost destroying the Federation alongside the Borg…I find the quality and quantity of this to be sufficient for a full pardon. Rank reinstated!"

"I see Commander Data has filed an exhaustive report on how he was emotionally manipulated by his evil brother into almost destroying the Federation alongside the Borg…I find the quality and quantity of this to be sufficient for a full pardon. Rank reinstated!"