Tales to Enrage

You have to wonder what prompted them to settle so far away…assuming it was by choice.

You have to wonder what prompted them to settle so far away…assuming it was by choice.

@avclub-64ad8f3af92ef8d9a1c7dfd7265e577d:disqus I think that's true for any series, watching everyone yell at each other the whole time would get old fast. DS9 got better because they never intended for everyone to be as spiky and unpleasant as they were in the pilot, but they made sure the changes came over

@avclub-64ad8f3af92ef8d9a1c7dfd7265e577d:disqus I think that's true for any series, watching everyone yell at each other the whole time would get old fast. DS9 got better because they never intended for everyone to be as spiky and unpleasant as they were in the pilot, but they made sure the changes came over

Good root beer should have at least some bite to it, it shouldn't just be brownish sugar water. I like root beer, but there are definitely some foul  concoctions out there besmirching its name.

Good root beer should have at least some bite to it, it shouldn't just be brownish sugar water. I like root beer, but there are definitely some foul  concoctions out there besmirching its name.

I'm pretty sure it would have ended exactly the same way, considering he and Toran obviously had history. Garak would have just said something about the promotion making Toran too trusting.

I'm pretty sure it would have ended exactly the same way, considering he and Toran obviously had history. Garak would have just said something about the promotion making Toran too trusting.

It was clerical sex. She knew it would be unsatisfying, and that he could wait 10 minutes.

It was clerical sex. She knew it would be unsatisfying, and that he could wait 10 minutes.

I liked it too, especially since it fit well with the ensemble approach of the show. I think they definitely made a decision to keep Jake from becoming Wesley 2.0, and it works better than adding another Starfleet person. And he did give it a shot with O'Brien, so it doesn't come off as petulant or needlessly

I liked it too, especially since it fit well with the ensemble approach of the show. I think they definitely made a decision to keep Jake from becoming Wesley 2.0, and it works better than adding another Starfleet person. And he did give it a shot with O'Brien, so it doesn't come off as petulant or needlessly

Isn't that one of the plot points in "Paradise," though? There isn't just past death, but someone who dies during the episode of an infection or virus.

Isn't that one of the plot points in "Paradise," though? There isn't just past death, but someone who dies during the episode of an infection or virus.

Damn straight. And he works so well here because there is a very good decision to downplay how much Sisk speechifies to the colonists or Alixus. There is some, but when he first comes out of the box, it's all in his eyes. He doesn't need to say a word, he's not going to give in to this fanatic, and he's not going to

Damn straight. And he works so well here because there is a very good decision to downplay how much Sisk speechifies to the colonists or Alixus. There is some, but when he first comes out of the box, it's all in his eyes. He doesn't need to say a word, he's not going to give in to this fanatic, and he's not going to

I think "Armageddon Game" is a good example of why I don't understand the people who hate Keiko. It's not because she saves the day, but because she manages to be determined Miles is alive without being histrionic or overdramatic. And as Zach said, Sisko didn't waste time trying to convince her otherwise. But I liked

I agree, and I think a nice demonstration comes when he realizes something is off with the rematch, and he doesn't pitch it as "I should be so much better!" He just presents it as "This seems unusual. Let's test it to be sure." Which goes well with him not wanting to embarrass the Chief, and struggling with how to

I would count it as psychic sexual assault, at least. Only question is if it's on Sisko's part or Fenna's.

"Second Sight" is only notable for introducing the idea that Sisko is not a sexless widower after Jennifer's death. The rest of it can be safely discarded.