Tales to Enrage


He probably subscribes to the "broken windows" aspect of law enforcement-enforce the minor crimes to keep major ones from being more frequent. Plus, one of those kids is the commander's son, and it would look really bad on your security record if Jake Sisko killed himself by falling over a railing and hitting his head.

Yeah, it really is. I liked the actress who played Kai Opaka and the character herself is fine, but without Kai Opaka out of the picture, we wouldn't get "In the Hands of the Prophets." And that episode is the start of a LOT of great work.

Did you also predict the outcome of the trial and decide to do something more intellectually stimulating than listen to your fellow inmates' badly rehearsed sob stories about how Batman made them into criminals?

The funny thing is that I think the finale works better because Spike fights alone at the end….but I think if the whole crew had stayed on the Bebop through the finale, they would have stood by him. He is their crew mate, and their family. It was smart that they started splintering entirely for personal reasons,

I definitely wouldn't make a serious argument that Spike survived. Like I said, it's a nagging, irrational question. It's also the kind of question that doesn't need to be answered, even if there had been serious evidence that he might have lived. As Mr. Abrams put it at the end, this is a high note of an ending, so

I've always had the nagging thought in the back of my head, wondering if Spike survived the end of the series. Every rational thought says no, he's too gravely wounded, and there's no way he'd survive his wounds. Then again, you could have said that about his confrontation before the series started, and in Ballad of

"Go parent that young boy while I guard your delicious Creole cuisine! I will put it in the safest place…my stomach."

Thank God we got Chief O'Brien as the focus for that episode. Can you imagine what Season 1 Dax or Bashir would have been like? And yes, I know Bashir is paired with O'Brien in the episode, but he's not the one who has to tell the story.

I'm glad you picked out the scene where Sisko discovers Jake is teaching Nog to read. It's a great friendship moment, and a great example of Jake being a normal kid in helping out his friend (at this point, his only friend). And I like that once Sisko realizes what his son is doing, he withdraws so he doesn't

I can understand that in theory, but in practice it comes across as dismissive of Spike instead of Appledelhi being an even better practitioner of Jeet Kun Do (or just the general philosophy of "be like water"). That's why I used the wrestling term "jobbing out," since it refers to when someone who is currently a

This was definitely a disappointing episode to me too, but it went beyond disappointing to angering me at one specific point: jobbing out Spike and Jet to Appledelhi. It pissed me off not because they didn't beat him, but because there's no sense of danger for either side, and not enough slapstick to make it

That's only because they had to cut the dramatic climax where Primmin and Sisko jump the General Lee onto the alien ship to save Bashir and escape Boss Odo.

Now there's a disturbing set of deleted scenes.

If only Batman could have been the climax of "Move Along Home."

I don't know, I'll give credit to Primmin for at least being good character work and inoffensive otherwise. Eddington might be a better plot, but you could give Primmin credit for showing them that tension had legs. And at least Primmin didn't go in some inglorious way, like getting killed off-screen. We can imagine

Hey, if you're riding someone else's brain, you'll probably be a little groggy and out of focus. Besides,

It is also probably the silliest of the silly ones, in that very little of it is self-aware. It is not the silliest premise, but at least in the others there's a fair amount of in-character "I can't believe we're in this stupid situation!" And that always makes things go down easier for me, at least in the proper

I had the same issue. Not sure what's going on there.

Don't worry, Buckaroo, Garak would never tell about your tailoring needs. Any good, simple tailor has to learn to be discreet about his clients and their needs.