Tales to Enrage

Lore and the Holodeck. I'm not saying which is which.

"I have no idea why we went with 'Tachyon Leap' instead of Q causing it all. God, we must have been dead drunk that day."

There's the sane route of being patient and waiting…

Completely unrealistic wish on my part: being able to see more of the "dark" future timeline. I predict that Chief O'Brien would have become a space pirate.

It's definitely a tightrope. On the one hand, having the Amazons have no issue with men wouldn't make any sense, both because you'd have to wonder why none are on Paradise Island, and their usual backstory in the DC universe would have to leave at least some lingering bad feelings. On the other hand, as you've said,

It is a very visual gag, so that might be why Nathan didn't put it in the Stray Observations section. " 'I'll see myself out.' *CRUNCH*" might have been confusing if you hadn't seen it, or it had been a long time.

I love the gag about how Duke enters Jay's room at the end of the episode. Especially when he leaves.

Good luck, everyone. Those of us who won't be able to participate in the live chat itself hope Zach and Rowan will survive the experience.

Unfortunately, when they talked about A Muppet Family Christmas and the Muppet Christmas Carol came up, they said they wouldn't do it for this feature because they're sticking to things that originated on TV, and the Muppet Christmas Carol doesn't fit with that. I agree it's great, though.

I wish I could do the livechat, but I can't watch along, so I'm going to bow out of the shared pain therapy.

That's why I included the part about how that might be how Starfleet approaches it, instead of a real world military situation. Starfleet is in that weird area where they're military but not really, thanks to Gene Roddenberry.

On the other hand, once you'd sent in enough red shirts to die, you might have been able to make a shield of dead ensigns to protect Spock from the radiation so he would have survived!

The problem is the involvement of command officers in such an order. Red shirt gets crushed by a surprise rock monster? Acceptable losses. Ordering red shirt to go in and die of radiation poisoning? Super court martial.

There's also the sense that even when big events in TNG movies happen, they were avoidable. Spock's death felt earned because he wasn't the only one who died in Khan's attack, and he died doing a vital service to the ship and its crew. It made sense in that regard. Whereas with Generations, I was always under the

Yeah, that "reminds him of his mom!" idea never occurred to me before, and now it makes the whole idea less appealing. Thanks, Oliver. THANKS A LOT.

Hell yeah. Great episode, and I agree there's no need to look for added depth. It's just fun and hilarious.

Definitely. I wasn't like either Pete, but I lived that kind of off-kilter life. I wasn't as entertainingly weird (and that's a good thing). But I was an unusual kid, and having a show where two brothers are also strange, and not in some fake, celebrated "Everyone likes you, eccentric boy!" way was a big inspiration.

Yeah, I've been enjoying the controls a lot as well. There are times when it throws me-cutting through a spider's web piece by piece is not fun. But overall, I like the feeling that I have to think about how I'm going to fight more than just "Press A at the right time!" It makes even the regular enemies…well, not

I feel like the episode answered enough, and left the rest intentionally vague for good reason. Finding out that he lost it because his partner betrayed him is on the nose symbolically, but as a noir scenario, it works well. Going into specifics about an issue on the operating table, catastrophic injury, or anything

He also never got a Superfriend's style exposure, like Aquaman did. Yes, a man who normally wears only a speedo and has tiny wings on his feet is probably ripe for satire, but his MO has always been "I WILL PUNCH YOU UNTIL YOU ARE DEAD." Makes it a little harder to laugh at him.