Tales to Enrage

Time to be pedantic!
Normally when I comment on the games section of the AV Club, it's to say a particular review has reinforce my belief that it is fundamentally weak compared to the rest of the site, don't agree with them on a basic level, yadda yadda. However, in this case, I have to admit that I haven't played

"We are dour and serious!"
When I look at that cast photo, all that comes to mind is "Why would I talk to these people?"

i and 1: I think you're remembering it wrong, but it also depends on what you got. Just like with H.P. Lovecraft (a contemporary of Howard, who Howard corresponded with), a number of people have written stories and books with Howard's characters, so you might not have read the original Conan stories.

Hell yeah, original Conan!
Not all of Howard's original Conan stories are great, but almost all of them are great, pulpy fun. I heartily approve.

Bill Simmon's essay explaining the conception for the series, and why they ended up with the films they did, seems like the perfect thing to look at here.

I didn't mean that it was the same film. Just that the same theme has appeared in 4 of his 6 (I think that's the right number) of his films, and the 4 are all in a row. I haven't seen Rushmore, so I'm not going to assume that (or Bottle Rocket) have the theme either.

The comic FANS. I don't know what comic cans are.

I think both Transmet and Planetary were dropped off due to when they started, and while there is talk of an Absolute Planetary collection, it's not out yet.

I was going to see it, but….
…I heard about a subplot involving one of Mr. Fox's sons being afraid of disappointing him or being replaced by a cousin that threatens to take his place, and that drained a lot of my enthusiasm. Mostly because after the Royal Tenenbaums, The Life Aquatic, and the Darjeeling Limited,

How terrible.
I don't want to go into a lot of detail on how I think this list is wrong, but….I think it's really, really wrong.

Ha ha ha! Overreaction.

You know, I enjoy the movie, buuut…
…there are a lot of clunky things about it. Like the fact that the EPA inspector is the villain, when they raise a lot of REALLY GOOD QUESTIONS. "Hmm, you seem to have a nuclear reactor in in the heart of a city without permission! I'm sure that's not a safety or security risk to

For a representative episode of Harvey Birdman: Attorney at Law, I'd have to pick either the defense of Fred Flinstone on mob charges, or the Deadly Duplicator cloning Harvey multiple times. The former actually focuses on Harvey's job instead of using it as a backdrop for wackiness, a tendency which could produce