
@avclub-c5459febb830e6f9a589939159028751:disqus they had to record a new version, read the article

this is so relevant

this is so relevant

yeah except those episodes when he was "into britta", "not friends with Abed" or "A/C school student"… and he's still into butt stuff I think

yeah except those episodes when he was "into britta", "not friends with Abed" or "A/C school student"… and he's still into butt stuff I think

He also called the producers racist for killing his character, so I'm guessing he's a little too sensitive about everything

He also called the producers racist for killing his character, so I'm guessing he's a little too sensitive about everything

@avclub-1343022fc4003e2cf16f0368302d86e8:disqus you don't know who victoria is? wow so you stopped watching before the end of the first season. badass. p.s. marvin was named after marshall's dad

Yeah but he's still releasing his single on helium ballons

WHAT ABOUT P-SIDES??????? we need that


The Single Files, yet half of the paragraphs don't refer to anything about the song

this stupid article gave me about 20 notifications

you're the worst

i seriously hope they change reviewer next season or stop reviewing this show

why is megaupload only used my black musicians? am i the first person to notice this?

they're still finishing the new album. it was supposed to come out before this tour but it got delayed. lets hope it's as good as their first

i think they wrote that "debra likes dexter" story when the season started and everyone guessed the big twist. "no one is going to guess this one muahahahahaha"

not as sitcom-y as two nerds being chased by a bully.

yeah but that wouldn't have been sitcom-y