
I don't hate his Holmes (though if we're going to talk about accents, RDJ's is embarrassing as all hell) as a character, and I do enjoy that particular Holmes/Watson dynamic, but that universe screwed up Irene so badly that I don't think I can ever fully forgive it. So in this particular conversation, yeah, that

Yup. I live abroad and I've started calling my roommates "flatmates" and college "university" because it just helps avoid confusion. And once I was at a work conference in Egypt (which is where I live) and I was the only, singular native English speaker there, and all kinds of non-native-speaker syntax errors started

it seems easy enough, if you've got pet snipers.

I for sure agree that BBC Moriarty is basically unmatched (in the adaptations I've seen; I haven't seen the Rathbone movies, for example), but I HATE their Irene—not for how she acted in general, but for what they did with her (she's a lesbian who's just waiting to be "turned" by the ~right special man~ to come along;

Agreed, the finale of series 2 of BBC Sherlock really is worth watching. As a general fan of the Holmes universe, even if I'd never seen any of the previous episodes, I would have found just that one very satisfying. (I agree that Baskervilles has a LOT of problems, not least the whole "oh, you drugged your friend

I agree about the humanity. So many adaptations seem to get so invested in his ~specialness~ that they lose the more sensitive, human aspects of the character, and the fact that Elementary is so aware of those facets is one of the many reasons I love it so much. I'm with you on Brett being the definitive.

@avclub-6ca57d2774f04ac8acf3d2b10f0338f4:disqus no lie, Brett as Sherlock is super-sexy, and I say this as someone decades younger than he was when he played him. He just—I don't know, let's not go into it, but "striking" doesn't even scratch the surface for me.

To me, Brett is THE Holmes, so to speak, but JLM is a close second. I also honestly love Cumberbatch's performance, but in order to do so I have to try to separate him from a lot of the writing on BBC Sherlock—I love what he does with what he's given, but I have a lot of problems with how obviously in love the writers

@facebook-572633200:disqus Just as Joan Watson is my favorite Watson of any adaptation, Elementary's Moran is my favorite Moran. I really hope he survived his (deeply impractical, unless he was deliberately trying to evade the order) suicide attempt; I'd love to see him back.

@avclub-b9a25e422ba96f7572089a00b838c3f8:disqus As a Bostonian, I can vouch that most American actors completely murder regional accents. It's painful.

@avclub-6307a12d5c9e2fb5f23518a9a0ee8dd1:disqus I'm resentful of Ritchie Holmes's entire portrayal of her. It got to the point where killing her off was a mercy (not Rachel McAdams' fault, just the conceptualization/writing of the character in that adaptation had me alternating between rolling my eyes and wanting to

I dunno if I'd say Watson is meant to be a bulldog, but if we're gonna say this about Joan Watson then it has to be equally said about BBC Sherlock's John. Dude is pretty tiny.

EXACTLY. And @PittsRu2:disqus , yes, this is my favorite Watson of any adaptation, though I'd hesitate to put her above ACD canon Watson just because they got all this from somewhere. A lot of fans of the whole Sherlock Holmes mythos like to assume that Holmes + Watson is a perfect parallel to Moriarty + Moran, which

It's very possible to have a healthy D/s relationship, but what was going on in that hotel room was the opposite of healthy dominance.

I definitely read it as asserting control because the office was freaking him out. He was feeling confused and potentially superfluous; her saying she needed him and nothing else would do got him to meet her when he FOR ONCE was going to do the smart thing and stay at the office. Ted dressed him down; he called her

Reverse sexism. On Mad Men. I would say I hope you're joking, but it's obvious you're not.

Ted looks weirdly like Agent Coulson when he puts the aviators on. Conclusion: he should wear them all the time.

The dress he bought Sylvia was the exact shade of red that was splashed all over the flashback whorehouse.

God, I hope so. That's what I thought this scene was going to be (though now that I've accepted my disappointment I do think it would have been the wrong time), and if it never happens it'll be a huge waste.

@avclub-4288189d41c50e393c6e4f6a493f2d9e:disqus God, yes. That whole scene was creepy and horrifying to me, in some ways less than the violent torture.