
I didn't think she was and I still don't think so. Based on various shots I've seen from the set, there are multiple scenes with her in multiple different outfits. I know at least one of them is in the past, but there's a continuation of where this episode left off, and another one where they seem to be on the street

I loved all those phone calls. I'm now basically dying for a splitscreen phone call montage a la Bye Bye, Birdie.

It can be done by being super-emotional, but they can also do it at will. They just don't because usually bad things result. Remember the bank robbers? And the times Monroe woge'd for Hank over and over while Hank got used to it/was fascinated?

@Kumagoro:disqus Not sure I'm 100% buying that the Royals are just normal humans. Nobody's said anything one way or the other, but if they are, then how the hell did they get into the position of ruling the Wesen world in the first place? How do they defend themselves? I get that they have some intense scary Wesen

@avclub-bbb3af3d466d7231aa738ff95762091d:disqus No way he's done scheming. We still have no idea what his general plot against the rest of his family that he's been plotting with French people over the phone about is.

I like Grimmoires!

I will still cherish that time he spoke French and cut off the Reaper's ear as my favorite, but the "Really?" was real good too.

@avclub-9b01c25473020f57ea13af6b5f4f11a2:disqus I think he's very good at being calmly, politely menacing, though! This kind of devious political character is exactly the right kind of bad for him. (Especially because he's on the good side. Sort of. We think.)

If Hank goes I might have to ragequit the show.

Yeah, that bugged me too. The only thing I can think of is that the Musei's influence wasn't far along enough yet for…nope, nope, nothing to work with there.

Eeeexactly. I did like one or two of the later episodes that dealt with her getting her memory back because all plot holes aside, she started taking more initiative and agency in terms of that progress. I feel like some people blame her for not ~figuring it out on her own~ and think that makes her weak, or something,

Yeah, it seems like they're definitely going the hoodoo route with this. Which is better than doing yet another Viral Apocalypse, but I hope they don't end up getting offensive with it.

What? There aren't any precedents for Jarvis in the Marvel movies? Either I don't understand what you're saying or you haven't seen any of the other movies involving Tony Stark.

I made my friends who went with me wait for that scene and then neither of them understood why it was glorious.

Yup, and the departure from the usual three-part structure (which at this point has become incredibly boring because you know exactly which beats they're going to hit when) was one of my favorite things about the movie.

I loved that after Pepper surprise showed up and knocked out Killian Tony just went "Okay, I got nothing" rather than going all slackjawed and in looooove like a lot of movies would have done. Thank you, Shane Black. (Also the whole scene where he leaves the kid behind—"because we're coonneeeeecteeeed"—was priceless.)

Same about Extremis armor. The only thing that makes sense about why he had surgery now and not before is if he took a stabilized Extremis for the healing factor.

I thought that was pretty obvious, too.

RDJ is currently hardballing Marvel over pay, and he's doing it on behalf of most of the other Avengers actors too. Marvel is notoriously cheap, and the actors are pretty pissed that they're not seeing much of a rise in their up front pay and back-end options after The Avengers made freaking a billion and a half

I assumed that he'd taken some kind of modified Extremis that gave him the super-healing factor, which is what allowed him to get rid of the shrapnel and reactor. Didn't he say some stuff near the end about experimenting with it or exploring its possibilities?