
I think she's both at once. She's incredibly ambitious and self-serving (though clearly she's also family-serving, since it seems like she and Olenna get along brilliantly) (god what I'd give to have drinks with those two), and I don't think for a second that her girl-of-the-people schtick is in service of anything

@Alimentado:disqus I completely agree with you. We've seen a lot of older, fairly world-wise women, and we've seen a lot of disillusioned, canny, or rebellious younger women, but Sansa is very much like what a "normal" girl of a highborn family would be like; she's bought into what they're all expected to buy into.

@theLadyfingers:disqus Arya would not have lasted five minutes in Sansa's position in Winterfell. As she gets older and has a harder time passing for a boy/gets less indulgence from amused warrior men, her frankly stupid habit of saying whatever is on her mind and physically charging into situations where she has

I was sitting there wanting to know who got to eat those rabbits when they were done with them. Rabbit is damn tasty.

Well, he was acting Lord of Winterfell for a while there, and while obviously he had guidance from the Maister we got at least one scene where he showed pretty good leadership instincts, over and above the Maister's initial suggestion. (I think there were probably more, but I remember one very clearly.)

Clearly you don't know much about shipping. I mean, look how far Jaime and Brienne have come. Called that from day one.

I'm real annoyed that I can't see what it says.

He totally knows. He specifically said something about it to Cersei when she tried to get him to treat her like more of an equal, or maybe in the conversation when he told his kids they were getting horsetraded to hell? And then later said something about how all his children had been ruining the family name for far

Jaquen H'ghar, though I'm probably spelling it wrong. Well, that was his name before he changed faces. It would have made no narrative sense whatsoever, but I still really wish she'd gone with him because I loved him, and I loved the two of them together, and I want to know what his deal is.

SERIOUSLY THOUGH. Especially the dudes. The ladies I can mostly tell apart, although it helps that there are rarely more than two with speaking parts in any one scene.

Me too. She was a wonderful character. I was hoping for more scenes between her and Shae: they seemed like a natural pair.

Yeah, it's not like a lot of other shows where more important characters could have a throwaway line mentioning him so we don't forget he exists. Also at least we got a little bit of Bran acting like the leader he was for a while before Theon sacked Winterfell; I think it's good to remember there's more (or at least

@Cutlass12:disqus  I basically want an entire spinoff of just Oleanna not giving a shit about other people's manners.

SO THEORETICALLY. SO. THEORETICALLY. There's got to be more going on with her than we know about. But also: holy crappy chemistry.

I'm getting seriously worried about having to put Ms. Hudson on Clyde Watch. Shouldn't they have at least mentioned her in passing if she's at their house regularly?

He seems to be into putting shit on that wall. Plus it was a much more beautiful shot; it almost looked like a painting.

I'm hoping for South Asian. Posh Pakistani family, or having come up through Eton on scholarship or similar.

The only adaptation that's done Irene Adler right is the one that's most slavishly, obsessively faithful to the stories—the Granada series with Jeremy Brett. Whenever people try to adapt it further, nobody seems to get that that story is inside out: she's the hero of her own story and she just happens to be passing

I'm all about Sherlock and Bell, myself.

 I also thought Gottlieb might be Moriarty, just because he looks a great deal like the Moriarty from the Basil Rathbone movies. As you can see, I have sound and detailed reasons for my theory.