President Chester A. Arthur

Here's why Kass is an idiot. She knew that the other side was voting for Sarah. If you allow that vote to go through and don't flip, then it convinces Sarah that the other tribe would flip on her in a second and that her smartest move is to stay with an alliance of six. That way she comes down off her power trip and

Bathory – Shores In Flames
Marduk – Funeral Bitch
Agents of Oblivion - Endsmouth
Gwar – Rock and Roll Party Town
Atmosphere – Cuando Limpia El Humo

That is fucking awesome.

I've seen Gwar four times. People dismiss them as a joke easily, but I'd put Scumdogs and America Must Be Destroyed up with any album released by any metal band. They never took themselves seriously but they could fucking play. It was mostly a huge indecipherable wall of noise live, but the decapitations and blood


Sorry just thread hijacking to see if I've been banned on all the servers.

Southern Trendkill also has Seth Putnam on backup vocals for several songs.

In 1994, this was the heaviest album anyone in my trailer park had ever heard.

Saw them on tour for this in 94, with Sepultura opening. Still the best show I've ever seen.

Did anyone else google European Sharking?

Also :

Destiny, suspense and violence resound in 1944 Washington, D.C. for a psychotic translator.

This needs a Caption Contest.

Now they need to remake Kenny Rogers Jackass.

also Mortal Treason


It's actually BrokenCyde. Avenged Sevenfold fans fucking hate BrokenCyde fans.

Oh well.

So, I've been fast forwarding all the scenes involving Tara for about two years now. The show's much better that way. Did I miss anything?