Or just painful.
Or just painful.
More crucially, is the Jim of the song Mr. Croce referring to himself, or some other, more menacing Jim?
Liking your own comment makes baby Jesus cry.
I cannot imagine anything in the entire world smelling as bad as something one could accurately call "the Old Country buffet of fucked up footwear."
Dreams like this always remind me of one of my favorite Calvin and Hobbes strips:
That's totally Bossk!
I read that as cave paintings of strippers. Much better that way.
Nobody did it better!
It's a Christian tie-in with the body spray. Bunyan sprays horny teens to prevent them from having sex.
A pamphlet in motion is a great way to describe these agenda documentaries—they actually manage to be more aggravating when I fully agree with the point they're trying to make, mostly because they are solely interested in just making that point.
Aw, now I'm all sad about the Fung Wah again.
I know I watched the original, but I don't remember a single thing about it. Coming from a horror movie fan, that's a very bad sign.
If I wasn't already very excited to see this, that "Blow-Out meets Suspiria methodology" line would surely do the trick.
Saw it earlier in the week and was pretty underwhelmed. It's her least lyrical movie by a long shot, and as such doesn't offer much beyond the original article. It's has a weirdly straightforward approach for all but a few sequences (the single-shot robbery described above is great, mostly because it has a really,…
Yes, the fleeting moments in this that appear to be his work are the best thing about it. There's one stunning shot of a family at breakfast that has that sort of translucent, quality of light only he could really capture. I'd be curious to know how much of this he actually completed.
No, I fucking hate guys like that. Which is why I find it funny.
Huh. I've met plenty of guys just like that, and the detail he puts into what is otherwise a broad character impressed the hell out of me. It's obnoxious for sure, but that's the character.
The fact that he co-wrote Goon, and gives a genuinely hilarious performance in it, makes this all the more true.
Best trip-hop band name ever.