I kinda thought Band of "Goddamn" Horses would be the next Kings of Leon by now..
I kinda thought Band of "Goddamn" Horses would be the next Kings of Leon by now..
correction: I have always loved boobs
noh wouldnt do that
I only watched this the first time because I was promised boobs..
and I was not disappointed, but sometime between then and now I fell in love with this movie (and boobs)
is this a twilight reference?… [checking wikipedia..]… Oh My God!.. shes…. Australian!
seriously, how many more T-Pains and Lady Gagas must we endure..
My local record store has 5 dollar used and usually 11-15$ new cds, so I usually spend like 50 a month on cds and get a substantial amount of music. I also download a shit-ton of music, but my philosophy is, if its really good, then I will plan on picking it up down the road in physical form. So the lesson to…
I don't throw around the words "Worst movie ever" often, (hell, I think 2012, transformers 1 and 2 and a whole slew of other movies at least have their merits) but this one is a serious contender.
no, that would be a waste of weed, you need to get stoned and not watch this.
so much anger… is it because of the oil spill? ooh that bp!!
Maybe he is just saying that he enjoys this band with rap vocals on top, like their work with Kid Cudi (it's rumored they are producing his next album, which in my opinion, would be dope) or their rap remixes album.
I have a feeling the A-Team movie is giong to make 100 million next weekend. And that will probably include my own 10 bucks…
Agreed, thought there was a good 6 year stretch where I would watch it 2 or 3 times a day (6:00,6:30, and maybe 11?). Thats why I try not to dog new episodes too much as the episodes are remarkably rewatchable and I will give an episode 9 viewings before passing judgement. I have come around on a lot of later season…
I wasnt allowed to watch it for the first few years (i'm 26 now), and honestly didn't really care for it that much until I was older and it became a syndication staple and it became my life and basically the language we spoke was simpsons.
We are going to need both more and less sweaters!
Love the movie, and actually enjoyed the book quite as well. I seem to remember the book offering more answers and a slightly different but less ambiguous ending, and it also got deeper into what would happen to an aging species on the verge of extinction.
I'm rooting for Shamalamdingdong: "Three Men, a Baby, a Whole Bunch of Whispering, and a Shitty Twist Ending."
after Party Down appearance
I will support Gutenberg in whatever he chooses to do..