c word
c word
At least we can take solace knowing the cape and scepter has been passed.
goddamn theres alot of spoilers floatin around in this bitch. No more reading comments for me, but first a personal favorite, just because its so awesome and iconic is Sonny Corleone gets mowed down at a toll booth by like 15 guys
I'm gonna go with Groundhog Day
One of the few times in film where suicide is hilarious! Mostly because inconsequential. And therefore the very best kind of death. QED. I win
great minds think alike Arsenio. I would support a Gary Coleman campaign in the chance it accidentally resulted in Gary Cole hosting… Seems like thats probably his only chance getting on, seeing as he's not quite a household name.
god, shut the fuck up facebook
that snickers commercial that started this bullshit wasn't even funny. And it made people miss how retarded it was. So you are working out, playing football or whatever and they are saying you should eat a goddamn candy bar?!… if that was a commercial for bananas or something it would…
Yeah Bitch. Just clicked this cause I finished the book and wanted to see what AV clubber Joshua Klein (??) thought of this book. I didnt realize this came out in 2002… I thought it was from the late 90's though it was clearly written pre-9/11. The end was a dissapointment but Wolfe's writing is about the…
I was thoroughly entertained up till maybe the 2nd and 1/2 hour of robots destroying things. Probably the weed wearing off.
when did the aziz backlash start?
no way, I'm just not down with this. Or is it a Danny McBride backlash? I have actually heard whispers from some sectors that McBrides shtick may not be all its hyped up to be, but Aziz is welcome in anything he has appeared in and pretty much kills it every time, especially Parks…
holy fuck is right!
I was just thinking the only thing that would make this album by the band Woods any better is if they named it "Tiger." But seriously I like it so far. I would report on this elsewhere but seem to be lacking the proper forum.
Oh boy, I may have started the backlash.
I was about to get on here and talk some shit but started listening to the lala of this album I was liking it enough to call off my dogs. There is less of the low droney singing that I had the hardest time getting used to (is this even the same guy singing?) and the music just seems vastly more entertaining.
I only have only listened to Boxer and the only song that stood out for me is "Slow Show" which I like alot but beyond that kindof a snooze… no offense, just didn't click for me. Maybe give it another chance when I'm 35 and it'll probably be the sickest album I ever heard. Judging from the first three songs though,…
Sooner or later that cancers gotta come back. And Tuco's uncle is still I alive (right?) … his seething rage can only be moreso than the last time we saw him. And Fring is looking more dangerous the deeper Walt gets. The odds seem stacked against him surviving another whole season
Michael Cera has never looked like more of a lesbian than in Scott Pilgrim.
Sarah Silverman was only banging him to get to his Nazi gold. What a twist!
the Fly 2 was pretty tenuous…
Its about Jeff Goldblum's son who shares his genes and grows up (at a super fast rate) to be a mutant. Creeped me out as a kid though and I still kinda like it.
I don't know if its intentional but I think there is some irony in the fact that the dog is the most relatable charachter.
A brian and stewie episode with no cheap cutaway gags..
And people still be bitchin. I liked it
I can't believe "Its my life" is 10 years old
That song has become quite the staple of adult-contemporary radio stations.