I actually went "WHOA" when magician Jeff showed up. Geeez, did not see that coming..
I actually went "WHOA" when magician Jeff showed up. Geeez, did not see that coming..
@digthatfunk:disqus , @avclub-749a8e6c231831ef7756db230b4359c8:disqus ; soooo i'm with you guys on this one. Did MDMA the first time in september 2010, still one of the most spiritual and cleansing experiences I've ever had in my life. And also yes, marijuana.
@digthatfunk:disqus , @avclub-749a8e6c231831ef7756db230b4359c8:disqus ; soooo i'm with you guys on this one. Did MDMA the first time in september 2010, still one of the most spiritual and cleansing experiences I've ever had in my life. And also yes, marijuana.
Uuuughh. Know that feel bro. I'm sorry.
Uuuughh. Know that feel bro. I'm sorry.
Oh my god I'm so glad you said it first.
Oh my god I'm so glad you said it first.
Me too on everything you said @avclub-bc68599029928a93ff775e686c3be325:disqus , for a couple of moments there I cried like they weren't coming back. Too much of a series finale-vibe for me to handle, apparently..
Me too on everything you said @avclub-bc68599029928a93ff775e686c3be325:disqus , for a couple of moments there I cried like they weren't coming back. Too much of a series finale-vibe for me to handle, apparently..
Totally cried at #sixseasonsandamovie. Man, that's love.
Totally cried at #sixseasonsandamovie. Man, that's love.
Fun for all!
Aaaaaawwww, that's nice!
"Not being racist is the new racism!"
Why was that funny, now? Dancing on my own is about seeing your ex with his new girlfriend, at least that's what Robyn told me (MAYDAY MAYDAY MAYOR DOUCHEBAG COMING THROUGH)
Todd, your reviews were the ones who guided me through Sopranos when I decided I had to see what the fuss was about (I get it now). Glad these are back, going to watch season six again just for the satisfaction of reading your review afterwards!
I kind of expected them to go with Foo Fighters' "wheels" after putting Quinn in a wheelchair.
That was a beautiful moment, wasn't it.