No, it's Michael Haggins - Daybreak! Couldn't find it on youtube, spotify had it though.
No, it's Michael Haggins - Daybreak! Couldn't find it on youtube, spotify had it though.
Awww goddamnit SPOILERS MUCH??! I was just thinking about how I maybe should watch Revolutions again since I, like user Hideo, barely remembered it.
Did you mean to write "Neil"? Cause' that would be so fucking funny considering the fact that there's a thread here where someone says that he was convinced that Keanu Reeves' character was named "Neil"; either you read the thread in question and tried to be funny (well I laughed anyway), OR you didn't do it on…
I live in africa!
22 likes! And I completely agree. I saw it 6 hours ago and I'm still buzzing with excitement. I could easily shed a manly tear over this show right now, that's how much I loved this goddamn episode.
Yes @avclub-1bd40243d4427919bd4199b6d2adcd13:disqus : writer Megan Ganz tweeted: "Just for you guys, @GillianJacobs wrote the "Is it 303? I thought it was 304" gag in tonight's episode. Our cast is genius."
I would watch the fuck out of that.
And I just want to say that this thread is such an interesting fucking read - so intelligent and eloquent, I love you guys!
I… I still don't get it.
*clap…. clap… clap…*
Umm… What.. are we watching?
Agree completely on everything you said; really zeroed in on my problem with this ep.
We've only seen three episodes.
I peed a little. Thank you for this!
Hmm. Sorry Tossin, not even close to chang-levels of crazy - I only talk to myself in cohesive sentences.
I'm sure your right and I'm very interested in seeing what they're going to do with Chang - they'll surprise us, as they did with Abed in Critical Filmstudies!
Well, I read it! Haha, that's the thing with Community, even if we've seen these episodes 10 times before (I'm getting close to that number anyway), we always come back for more. I read this review when the episode first was broadcast but I just wanted to read what Todd thought of this one more time, since I find that…
I was just about to say the same, Roseanne is one of the best shows of all time and I've always loved the shows mix of sarcastic humor and heartfelt drama. It felt genuine at the time and I hardly ever catch a rerun these days but I'm sure I'd like it as much as when I was a kid.
Koski, your mind is a naughty one. Mine is probably dirtier though, cause' I thought you were referring to anal. Geeeesh our otherwise brilliant minds are being corrupted1
Oh Todd, if by "terrarium" you mean "babies" then I'd have to see your picture first. If you're black then yeah maybe you will have pretty babies, cause' come on you know that babies are extra cute when their parents are…