
Mr. Phipps
Your list is a successful synthesis of pop and cult. This is no doubt a better playlist than Nick & Norah's infinite one.

Mr. Hopper & Ms. Paltrow
No doubt the combination of Mr. Hopper, Ms. Paltrow, and "i pagliacci" will be successful in selling luxury handbags to those who can afford such items.

No doubt RocknRolla will be a success for Mr. Ritchie, and Mr. ZMF (the one with O's, not 0's) will in the front row on the first day.

Talking Dog Movies
Never underestimate to potential for success of a talking dog movie.

Mr. Meirelles
This premise sounds interesting; it's unfortnate that Mr. Meirelles was unable to successfuly interpret it onscreen.

Mr. Zucker
Mr. Zucker's past success was well-earned. This movie, however, should fail on its own merits.

Mr. Lydon
Mr. Lydon certainly worked for his success, but this is ridiculous.

Mr. Romero
I wish Mr. Romero and his zombies all success in this endeavor.

Mr. Patton, et al
It sounds like an interesting endeavor.

Wishing success has led to dissappearing posts in the "Flash of Genius" thread.

Oh, cute!
I won't be seeing this one.

Mr. Pegg
Pegg was good in "Shaun of the Dead," and I wish he would make better script selections.

Frank's Place
"Frank's Place" was quality programming, which was (and, apparently, still is) anathema to prime-time television.

Mr. Ebert
Roger Ebert says "It sort of ambles along, with two nice people at the center of a human scavenger hunt. It's not much of a film, but it sort gets you halfway there, like a Yugo."

Except for now, when I successfully double-posted.

Sigh. "*was* unable to …"

Mr. Bahn
Thank you for "Great Vintage Blues" posts, which are always informative.

See above.

Except for now, when I successfully double-posted.