Weirdly, the Dino Stamatopoulos WTF episode. It's not great, but I like the way Dino thinks.
Weirdly, the Dino Stamatopoulos WTF episode. It's not great, but I like the way Dino thinks.
Yee Yee you're such a Ja'ime
Yee Yee you're such a Ja'ime
Kenny, have you read The Big Payback yet? It's astoundingly good.
Kenny, have you read The Big Payback yet? It's astoundingly good.
Ken Jacobs (though he falls into some crazy 60's stuff) and anything on Ubuweb really.
Ken Jacobs (though he falls into some crazy 60's stuff) and anything on Ubuweb really.
Brakhage is more visual than Frampton (I've only seen a little of Frampton, but he's pretty narrative). But they're both pretty cool.
Brakhage is more visual than Frampton (I've only seen a little of Frampton, but he's pretty narrative). But they're both pretty cool.
Then what would you have to complain about? Oh, everything else? Nevermind then, carry on!
Ellington's score is awesome.
Kevin Love was pretty funny.
You and me both.
I worked as "security" for an large event my friend had planned for his work in the summer of 2008. The other security guys were dudes on parole/probation that were doing a favor for their probation officer (he was the head of security). These guys were selling Obama t-shirts without a permit to be a vendor, so we had…
Agreed, that lineup is great. I'm really excited for the Hollis Frampton set.
And Mike Kelley just last week! Bummer.
But William Berger gets to have musical guests that have put out albums on his label?
I'm not saying your wrong, but that's weird that one is acceptable and the other is not.
Narcissism is a helluva drug.
They were working on creating a show together, is it really a feud? Or is it Tom's kind of famous secretive streak. He wouldn't let people talk about Monk on the show at all, and even gets weird when people bring up the music videos he's made.
is Dead Luke still in her touring band? His stuff is much better.