Prick Decay

For a while it was Gatsby and Franny and Zooey and then in a really bad stretch of years I was re-reading Jesus Son possibly up to 10-15 times a year. I mean, it's short stories and they're all pretty brief, but that's kind of an apt description of how bleak my head was at the moment.

Of course, he's got all that Fuck You money.

I hope one of them is Posehn doing an ATP: Don't Look Back of his performance on Just Shoot Me.

Is Psych-Out the one where Jack picks up a deaf girl?
I tried watching that a few times I think.

Don't forget the anal rape of one of the hairdressers with a curling iron.
Damn, Black Shampoo, why'd you have to go and do that?

Dog Emergency Room doctors. That's what the show was, wasn't it?

I've never seen this, but have only heard good things about it.
Doug Benson even dropped his stoned movie schtick for a second to talk about how great it is.

He's pretty great in that.

You can't catch it twice.

His relationship with Kristen Stewart is already highly publicized.
What's the next step then?

An Oblique Strategies gimmick poster would be awesome.

Ah that's cool, thanks!

They're both terrible reviewers, but okay journalists.

You're still asking an entire website to change it's practice to accomindate you.

Just don't hit the links.

Spectacles, testicles, wallet and watch.

@wolfman, how long you in the area for?
Swans/Richard Bishop is playing in September in Baltimore, but generally shows here are hit or miss.
I am thinking about the Sun Araw show, but that's mostly to hang out with a FB friend who is their touring guitarist.

But who's Kim?

And yet tolerating the continual living of Matthew Lillard.

But did he play the cop AND the killer?