Prick Decay

Maybe he's turned into a less self-aware Dwight Schrute?

It's a gag, of course, but it will frustrate those who complain that Aukerman tries to out-funny his guests.

Kind of a bummer!
Honestly, it's not very well written, and it sways between being a Kenney bio and a National Lampoon bio. I had just finished "Comedy at the Edge" which was Awesome, but this is just meh.

I just started on the Doug Kenney biography, but that's a total bummer Sugartits!

As someone who writes about experimental music, they are certainly not going anywhere for a while.

My parents would really take advantage of the trial HBO weekends and tape pretty much the whole weekend so we could then watch movies all the time.
Going from Flashdance to Willie Wonka on the same tape (and trying to figure out where the right spot to fastforward too) was some of the beginning signs of my anxiety

The 25 Lamest Videos commentary of that Journey video had me in stitches.

DPA Wins!

My houlders stand firm, sir. Unshrugged just the way the lord made me.

Lovecraft, you should check out William Berger's show on WFMU if you haven't already.

Agnes Varda is great!
She also has a wicked sense of humor.

I really don't find the appeal of Aukerman in the show at all. I think letting people do characters is awesome, but when he forces that character to take part in one of his tedious games(Would you rather or the aforementioned Jukebox) it slows the rhythm of the character interacting with Scott and the other


Well, I did listen to it.
And I think he was right in his criticism about Rogan taking a job hosting a reality show, a show that took money away from writers.
I agree with you that working with Sheen is less than inspired work, but at least it's a comedy gig that isn't going to lead towards revenue services saying "Oh

sacrelicious post falls into the great "I'm on the internet complaining about things the internet provides me!"category.

Also that Jukebox section is unbearable!

It's true, he brings out a lot of stuff.
I'm really enjoying this album so far, and it makes me want to revisit The Life of The World to Come. I initially found it a little limp when I first listened to it.
But he's coming to Baltimore in a couple weeks, just in time for another interdermined period of obsession.

Talahassee was definetly the soundtrack to the ending of my marriage. I had to take the CD out of my car at some point, because I wouldn't listen to anything else.
There were also some strange moments in the apartment when the ex-missus and I would be singing along to No Children. Jeepers.

I lived in South Carolina for about a year, making poor life decisions and not doing well. By the time I was able to finally leave, i wrote "If anybody comes to see me, tell em they just missed me by a minute" on the refrigerator.

Larry Sanders is so great, it's possible to ruin all other comedy for anyone.