
Can we all please give Henry Rollins some credit for that death scene? His acting this season has been a bit wooden, but that execution scene rivaled Stringer Bell's in terms of a lifelong scumbag coming to terms with the ending he always knew was coming. And good lord, the mix of love for his child and the knowledge

I said this up above, but I really think Rollins really deserves some credit for how uneasy and unfulfilling that death scene felt. We haven't felt an ounce of sympathy for him all season and then he gives us that sock to the gut just as we all get our revenge. Asshole.

Hooray Edan!!
But is there any chance you all are reviewing the Blakroc album?

Not sure when my name became pandock, but thank you for the support.

But don't you see Mike? With that statement you are essentially telling those people — who felt the single-cut scene displayed a more documentary feel — that the way they interpreted their feelings is WRONG. That when they watched that scene and felt more in the moment, felt the events as more immediate, that they

Fun fact about the premise, many doctors in the early 20th century were worried this exact thing would happen (human infertility) due to a lack of nitrogen in our diet. This led to the development of industrial farming and synthesized fertilizer to give us the nitrogen we needed. Which then led to the slightly

Oh. I'm sorry, I hadn't realized. Point taken.

My experience watching these scenes — particularly the one towards the end where he walks through the firefight — was a feeling of forgetting to breathe. Recently, RadioLab interviewed the man who edited "The Godfather," explaining that he knew when to make cuts based on when he blinked during a scene, looking for

David. Bowie. Ziggy Stardust and Hunky Dory alone could last me for weeks, provided i could fight the urge to stand up at my desk and scream along with the lyrics.

Not particularly pedantic comment on how burn notice is awesome. Though perhaps not deeply and genuinely awesome enough to garner mention on 'best of' lists.'

Father Ted
is unwatchably stupid. But I've never really been clicked in to the BBC humor wavelength (except the office)

Or maybe he saves Darby and they get an ally against Zobelle. Maybe not a terribly valuable one, but still.

And that's why bitchez be crazy.

mad men
Is that actress the one who plays maybe-crazypants-teacher on mad men?


Your retardedness is retardedly run by retarded retards on retard juice, retard.

sorry for posting four times? what the hell happened there?

Well that's because it is
I watch this show every week and am amazed to find how much i'm laughing. By all accounts this show shouldn't be good! On paper it seems like Arrested Development dumbed down to Full House level. Yet somehow it all works beautifully and it makes me laugh hysterically. And it's not even like

Yeah, why are they firing Sal completely? Paul mouthed off to a client's face and got nothing more than a "you should lay low." He didn't even get taken off the account! What the hell?