loose seal no.2

So a while back on a different show there was a cartoon cross between a rainbow and unicorn that speaks Korean that suddenly tells her magic dog boyfriend that she was pregnant at the end of some episode.

To me it's pretty impressive, if that's the word, that Sarah is somehow not even the weakest, most incompetent and useless character on the show.

Miksa's reaction to the news:

"Just because it's not your way… well actually that probably means its the right way."

I enjoy the little screenbottom ad by SyFy during the show.

The question becomes: How will Scott manage to juggle work and family?

So I totally thought the title was describing Adventure Time as "a sci-fi book about insomnia, and not another emo revival" at first.

Yeah I'd hope they'd spread out the season over a year and a half or something at least. Seems like it would be near impossible to keep things as fresh and weird doing 40 episodes in a year.

I don't even watch Jeopardy aside from the odd game every once in a while, but I still enjoy reading the recaps from Jay every game for some reason.

Sorry for being off topic, but is there no What's On Tonight for today? What's the deal?

Arsenio has obviously interpreted Leno's appearance as a sign that Jay is about to steal his show from him.

You know it's got gnaw at Plushenko that the gold ended up being almost given by default. If his back held up and he could have managed getting through with only one major mistake or fall, he'd have had it.

I'm not seeking out spoilers and just watching primetime coverage mostly, so when they decided to show the Kazakhstan skater's free skate even though I don't think they'd shown him at all in the short program round and he was like 9th coming into it, I immediately thought "oh, he must have won bronze or something."

When they first said "team skating" my mind went straight to something like the skating equivalent of synchronized swimming. 5 people doing triple axels at once!
Was a little let down when that wasn't the case.

Give me all the guest stars there are.
Wait, wait, I'm worried that what you heard was "give me a lot of guest stars."
What I said was "give me all the guest stars there are."
Do you understand?

The Cynthia/Winston showdown was one of my favorite parts. The absurd camera angles and cuts kept me entertained.


"You wish now that our fates had been exchanged. That Dads had been cancelled and Fringe been renewed."

I envision a long somber look filled with a mix of sorrow and disdain from Noble every time a character made a lazy, stupid, racist joke.

Jenny *did* die but then Crane and Abby went to Mars and pleaded with Abraham Lincoln to bring her back from the 37th dead world. He agreed, but he had to give up his own immortality and his position as the king of Mars to do so.