Charley One-Eye

It's quite possible to drink standing on your head. 
Ergo everything in this movie now makes sense now sense makes now sense.

That list looks like a list of filler fluff and fibs like you'd do on any resume. Then right at the end - Fluent Farsi, Fluent French, Fluent German, Fluent Hindi, Fluent Persian, Fluent Russian

It's leverage on him, and she knows that. She said it herself - I'm not going to use it against you!… except things aren't black and white like that…

Consider what happened last time they tested Philip's loyalty, I don't think the handlers are going to risk pissing them off again so soon.

The production knew how over the top that was. It's the equivalent of hanging a rising sun flag in the back of a scene in Japan.

@avclub-c6447300d99fdbf4f3f7966295b8b5be:disqus  Since you mentioned the old west episode, and considering the last scene was his finding an old-timey piece of gear, I feel compelled the mention that MacGyver's gimmick was his penknife, not his duct tape.

Trumbo's World. The unrelenting ants freaked me out, how they crossed water on fallen leaves and especially when he rips his protective suit off to work faster. After avoiding MacGyver for years to avoid spoiling my memory of an awesome show, I found that one on youtube and couldn't resist. It was hokey.

You're right about getting them mixed up. I remember a car chase where he was under the hood fixing the brake-lines and then built a bazooka out of the seat stuffing but they were probably two different episodes.

1) This is guessing, but if the Marshals were tracking down Shelby and get a hold of Colt, (or Boyd), it's a little buffer not to witness the exact person who took Shelby to be tortured to death.

Do they do that annoying thing where they never take their sunglasses off when they deal with the locals?

She's in her fifties, Elizabeth elbowed her in the solar plexus, winded her, drowned her, slammed her to the floor, and pounded her some more. No way she was lying there all "ho hum she'll feel better after getting the anger out."

Well the decision was made levels above, but Claudia was still running the operation, and said "we" repeatedly so I'm satisfied it was her game plan.


Farrell's an interesting case of luck and timing. He was getting lots of notice for Tigerland before it came out, and with a SAG strike (it think it was SAG) looming studios were scrambling to fill roles before some deadline to begin production cut them off. 
Since at that moment he was the Next Big Thing, he was paid

In a 1914 film created by Baum's film company, The Patchwork Girl of Oz, Ozma, played by Jessie May Walsh, appears briefly to preside over Ojo's trial.

Where's the other five paragraphs?

Sometimes counterintel needs a van too.

I feel like they kind of went there already with the episode that ended up with the baby in some decrepit concrete limbo and its mother OD'd in the back of a car.

That lawyer's a special kind of grifter that may not even be aware he's a grifter.