Charley One-Eye

The kid Chief Tyrol thought was his was on dialysis so his lingering death must have been depressing.

Dear Mr Tusks,
"Seriously, Angels?" is the only thing you mentioned that actually happened in BSG. So your bewilderment is understandable.

I don't get hating a character for just not being interesting enough. It seems like a very rigid position to hold
Annoyed, irritated, or bored by them is fair enough..  
Does anyone hate Walter Jr. or the son from Homeland that much for being dull/inessential?

It is disappointing he's dead. But I love that Justified has such great characters to dispose of.

Can they really stick to your face like that?

As I turn to look I always throw my drink over the other shoulder just in case.

Why would you hate Winona, who's just a clueless civilian, over Skylar and her storage locker of broken lives and shattered families?

Except Ronald D Moore and his basing our beloved BSG on the old aircraft battle fleets of yore.

I hope they cover the air battles in the Pacific theatre too. They were a major part of the companion book to the Pacific miniseries.

Without getting too into details (I'm tired) the notion that Maya isn't clearly the protagonist from the early stages is silly. 
And I personally didn't find the scene when Gandolfini asks how close the Pakistani Military Academy is to the compound to be a Hollywood hero rah rah moment. 
He's just walked in and been


If you think Stephen Fry is a moron I can guarantee that if you met him going the opposite direction wearing flippers and a silken muumuu during a trans-Antarctic trek in mid-winter there'd be at least one moron on the continent anyway.

Why the hell would you need a real actor?

Get your toe in the door and on the first rung of the military-industrial complex with innovative laser electro-something-fuckit it's a LAZER.

He was looking for "that other thing" from the scrawny fight boss, so something's gotta come up.

Wynn stepped up to the plate the moment last season he told Raylan he had a mind to ride him like a teaser pony.

Raylan's GGG. When he was gonna go down on her I didn't see or hear no rubber being snapped off.

Oh there it is!

Who says he hasn't/wasn't/isn't?

Play the sticks cause they're excited to get anyone that far out while you get back into the groove for you've got to prove youuuurrree love to mmeeeeeeehheheeeeeee, yeeeaaahhh!