I fucking loved TP. Any game that can become a 9 to 5 job for a week has got to be awesome. For solo gameplay anyway. Fuck MLG.
I fucking loved TP. Any game that can become a 9 to 5 job for a week has got to be awesome. For solo gameplay anyway. Fuck MLG.
I got Tiger '09 but I feel like now it is going to be a pretty huge waste without motion+. I have only once gotten yearly sports series two years ago, but I may be forced to do it here.
I so wish their were item switches in double dash. Playing baby park with bombs only would perhaps be the most aggravating fun in history.
I also prefer the little thumbnail at the bottom. More aesthetically pleasing.
I am watching this from a friend's old computer and I cannot tell which parts are lag and which parts stutter-stop, making for disorienting viewing.
Without any desire to start reading graphic novels or even being aware of the genre when i was quite young I read Maus. I loved it, and I didn't start reading other graphic novels/comics until a couple years later.
I found the whole escape so weird because Netscape was one of the primary opponents of microsoft but by the time all the monopoly lawyers were done with micro, netscape had already gone bye bye. Endearing.
Can you imagine how boring watching a man on a tightrope would be in a comic book? The movie was enjoyable, but no more service needs to be done.
Yeah, my bet as well. Up yours, Spurtcockhomes.
Collegehumor had a really hilarious sketch about the shamwow guy in jail—here I am not being payed to pass it off…
I never saw supersize me, but I associated McD's with getting punched in the face ever since my (ex(bitch!))girlfriend did.
I remember the good old days when Microsoft was pissed on for bundling IE with their browser. Ahhh, memories.
Blackbolt, you imposter, get back to your hole.
I still don't really understand…
…but patience is my greatest virtue.
Darth come on, it would be Drag Me 2 Hell. Its 2 easy.
The porn in Californiacation was too softcore. That's why it got an F.
Hollis' murder is reinstated. And everyone knows getting killed by Koreans is fun to watch.
Yeah, Hollis' murder in the comic was way too significant to be left out in the movie.
The Venture Bros. however is the greatest animated show on television. Therefore, get.the.fuck.out.