William Shat is the greatest thing known to mankind without having any other ideas coming into my head about who would be better.
William Shat is the greatest thing known to mankind without having any other ideas coming into my head about who would be better.
board games will have to satisfy.
game informer gave the game a 6 outta 10.
Rachael Ray
makes me want to punch babies
Biggie vs. The Jonas Brothers.
I think your taking that out of context.
He was talking about the receptacle in which marijuana is smoked. McCain is High class.
Crucification just means being fixed to a cross. I've always been the more assassination type.
@ Nathaniel
Just so you know, I have never seen the movie Troy. I'm pure bred Illiad, bitch.
Luckily, my local movie theater only shows two dollar showings of Gran Torino and The Wrestler, so I have to drive 50 minutes to a nice 7 dollar watchmen + gas.
@ El Zich, all is forgiven.
That would take alot of beer. I'm up for it!
a men.
Whooty, your good.
Also its not really any ideal they are trying to sell, they are trying to sell tickets.
By being funny.
Me and my friends tend to play a little Limp Bizkit. I am certainly a man.
My bet for best use of a time machine is going back to the Trojan War and assassinating Achilles. Every one knows all modern problems in mankind stemmed from the Fall of Troy.
Fall Out Boy rock em' sock em' robots are my thing.
Villanova, Temple, Marquette, and USC are my final four. Semi-legitly as they are all in my elite eight.
Fat Drunk.
I've always been that guy. Are you me? Am me you?