Modern Life Is Rubbish

Sims on twitter half an hour ago:

Wait, there are Wilder homages in Almost Famous? What/where/when/whom?

I've just finished re-watching season six (& oh boy, do I have Thoughts And Opinions), and I found that two episodes per night was a pretty good speed. That usually means, I've learned, one Emily & Richard episode and one Chilton/Yale episode per week (albeit that six has fewer school episodes than any other season,



I dunno. It's up against some tough competition:


It's a good point, but also consider that neither of them would ever expect Lorelei to only ever want to socialise with Luke. You know they both would be more than happy for him to stay at home/go fishing while she went out for stupid drinks & awful movies with Sookie/Rory. While it would be different if they were

Yeah, that's bad no doubt. But I suspect in part - aside from his suppressed love for Lorelei - he wanted to prove he was the sort of guy who has female friends. Some guys think that sort of thing impresses women, I think.

FACT: 100% of Jess's best scenes in seasons two-three were with Luke.

Neither of them trusted the other entirely, because they both knew they had gotten together through moderately underhanded means. Jess knew Rory was capable of getting close to someone other than who she was dating, and Rory knew Jess would disregard everyone else's feelings if he wanted something else.

Your comment just made me realise that Jack's death was a neat echo of Hank's. In both cases, money-related pleading failed - in Hank's case, because Jack simply couldn't leave him alive and in Jack's because Walt knew he no longer cared about the money. But I think Walt might've been satisfied to not let Jack

Never heard of him before, but this song is nice. As is the one linked from the pre-order info about.

What's also interesting in 'Nevermind' v. 'In Utero' debates is how old a bunch of the 'In Utero' songs were by the time they made/released the album. About half of them actually pre-date (in one form or another) 'Nevermind'. Off the top of my head, 'Dumb', 'All Apologies', 'Pennyroyal Tea' & maybe one or two others

Yeah, I feel like 'In Utero' was the anti-'Nevermind' (to get that out of his/their system), and had there been another Nirvana studio album (by no means a firm bet, apparently), I suspect it might've split the difference on the two in terms of accessibility/general approach.

No, please continue: where do Bleach & Incesticide fit in this analogy?

And our Disgruntled Australian friend clearly doesn't know anything much anyway. 'VB is popular across Australia, especially on the East Coast'?

According to all the tv I've ever watched, nobody who ever wrote a tv show went to any sort of school or university.

I enjoy Digger well enough as a character, but never bought his relationship with Lorelai. If he'd just been Richard's young business partner, and a recurring role thus, his storyline would be much improved. The (secret) relationship business was always a bit tedious & underdeveloped for me.

You're not alone. I think four is one of the best seasons - in fact, I made that point a couple of weeks ago after someone else dug up an interview where Sims said it was his favourite.