Modern Life Is Rubbish

Yeah, 'lackluster' is not the word I'd use to describe 'Is This Desire?' One of her best albums.

Or genre/character talk of any kind, really…

He was always the minor-est of the major characters, though.

I can't remember, but there's not really many people who could (other than Lorelai & Dean, of course): maybe Lane mentions it at some point? She'd be the only one in a position to do so.

No way. Paris & the-nervous-guy-from-Chilton-whose-name-I-forgot-but-might-be-Brad forever!

Those are both good too. But I'm genuinely looking forward to the alternative versions & 'new' tracks. I have the Record Store Day 7" of Wigwam/Thirsty Boots from this release, and both songs are very enjoyable. And the little video promo makes me keen to hear the rest…

Typical Dylan to get Marcus to do the liner notes. I don't it's the 'best thing' about this release, but it's up there…

Yep, and there's long been rumours that there will be a huge 'Blonde on Blonde Sessions' set with numerous versions of every song recorded for that album. A handful of alternative versions of BOB songs are already out (on the first Bootleg Series & No Direction Home), and some of them equal or better the official

Look, not to turn this thread (thanks, btw!) into another anti-Christopher one, but this here conversation grates on me:

I'd forgotten that line, but I do have an explanation: Kirk is the youngest, everyone else moved away from Stars Hollow as soon as they could (except for his slightly older but identical looking brother Mick, seen briefly in an early episode before he too leaves town).

The show really did itself a huge disservice by making Christopher so hateable before he ever turned up, and then reinforcing that in his first couple of appearances, so many viewers (I think) could NEVER see him as anything other than awful. We grew to love & sympathise with Richard & Emily, but never with

'Dwight's Speech' & 'The Fight' are, in my opinion, the two weakest of the season, with 'The Carpet' in third place.

Yeah. It's jarring, especially since the last scene of 'Conflict Resolution' is Jim admitting that, and then the next thing we see is the first scene of 'Casino Night', wherein Pam helps Jim convince Dwight that he has telekinetic powers.

@avclub-ee4fadf37efceab02df97947e8d240a6:disqus You're right, of course. The show completely glosses over it, but it really makes no sense - Jan acts as if one branch isn't closed and absorbed by the other one RIGHT NOW then it all fails. Basically they pretend that the decision has to be finalised that very day in

@avclub-e2a6a1ace352668000aed191a817d143:disqus That's a good point. We see them travelling looking for new sales opportunities in Scranton ('Traveling Salesmen', 'Prince Paper Company' etc), but Stamford customers seem to just disappear. Yes, most of them could be kept with the same phone-based service we see them

Good point. I've been rewatching season two - have gotten a bit ahead of these reviews - and you could almost chart Jim & Pam's relationship on a graph, if you were so inclined. There's a definite arc to it, with a clear trend down post 'Boys & Girls', where Roy persuades her against doing the art course in NY, and

Indeed, and that's one reason why the show lost steam after season three's final. Jim & Pam's mutual feelings but inability to do much more than yearn (with occasional overt moves) underpin the show. Once they got together, they became one of the better couples in tv history (at least for a while: I've not seen the

The Scranton-Stamford merger was interesting from a business sense - & in light of what we're talking about here - because everyone other than Andy & Karen left really quickly. Now, that's for show-reasons, not real-world-reasons, if I can put it like that, but what it means is that they essentially halved their

@avclub-62ae6d9e1a24836a391716549223464f:disqus You dislike Kaling as a writer on this show? I thought she was responsible for some of the best episodes:

One of my favourites - of so many! - is in 'Casino Night': "Thanks, I've never owned a fridge before".