
To the final point, I'm not excusing the action altogether, but as a freelance writer married to a special-education assistant in the public school system, I've certainly struggled enough where I can - unfortunately - imagine a scenario where, in lieu of having the utilities shut off, I borrow a savings bond from my

There are very, very few instances where I rearrange the content of an RR interview, mostly because I put way too much thought into the order that I ask about projects in the first place. I make a point of trying whenever possible to skip between decades with each role, so it's never too predictable, and also so it

Definitely right about the length of the interview window, but based on the warnings I'd received about how much he doesn't like doing interviews, he was more forthcoming with me than I ever could've hoped for. In fact, at the end, he even praised the amount of research I'd done and said he wished everyone came in

I should also mention that at about two minutes into the conversation, I heard the rustling of paper, which was immediately followed by the announcement, "I'm having an energy bar!" It was at that moment that I realized that, as a phoner between his in-person chats, he'd apparently adopted the mindset that I was less

I'm sure he was on a time limit, but, trust me, having talked to Rockwell for another outlet, only to end up with a conversation that was so thin that it ended up being deemed unusable, I applaud that he got as much out of him as he did. I mean, I think my track record on getting people to talk is pretty well

Point taken, although on the occasions when it's still remembered, it is generally thrown into the "disaster film" mix.

I loved Gould even before doing the Random Roles with him, but he took it to new heights when I dropped him the email to ask what role I should ask Segal about and he gave me that response. I really wish I could've incorporated an MP3 of his laugh into the piece.

What, no mention of when Glenn Tilbrook repaid the favor on one of Elvis's songs?

You can run. But you can't hide.

@avclub-62812d8eb06386505986efff8b5e43ac:disqus @avclub-0f0d67e214f9fef69b278e3d08114da9:disqus I've never done Random Roles w/ Kurtwood Smith, but I have interviewed him.for Bullz-Eye:


I am resigned to obligatory "how could you have not asked about…" douchebag posts, as I rarely leave a Random Roles interview without at least half a dozen "I can't believe I didn't have time to ask about…" roles still on my list. This time, that list included…well, everything he did for TV except for The Man Without

I'd never really had an opinion about Vince Gill one way or the other 'til a few years ago, when I found out that Mark Knopfler invited him to join Dire Straits, but he turned it down because of what he described as "my own stubbornness" to make it as a country artist:

I don't hate it, but it's always struck me as less of a song than an ad campaign.

@SecretaryofPartyingDown:disqus If I can't manage to finally get my Random Roles interview w/ Bill Murray out of this project, I never will.

Still haven't watched last night's Breaking Bad because my wife and I took my daughter to her first baseball game - I'll be remedying that very soon - but I've spent most of my days binge-watching Season 3 of Boardwalk Empire (goddammit, I love Stephen Root so much) while closing out my evenings with  episodes of Bob's

It occurs to me that there's one other thing that's been on my must-watch list forever that I missed the first time around and I've just never had time to watch: the first season of Murder One. I'm forever tempted by its presence on Hulu, but I know I'll never have the time to get through the whole thing, so I just

Depending on the day and my mood, I would absolutely agree with you. I'd never heard it until I got the Listen to the Band box set for Christmas in whatever the hell year it came out, but it's been one of my favorite Monkees songs ever since. (It also led me to buy Paul Williams' Someday Man album, which is quite nice