
I'm thoroughly embarrassed to have forgotten to cite those two shows. I hang my head in shame…although I feel like I deserve at least a little TV geek trivia love for dredging up "Time Express" to pair with "Supertrain."

Which bit made me sound like a dick? Or was it just the overall effect that caused me to exude dickishness?

I actually did an interview w/ Steven Bauer the other day - obligatory plug: look for it soon on Bullz-Eye.com! - and asked him about that, figuring if anyone in the cast might be bothered by it, it'd be him, since he actually IS of Cuban ancestry. But of Loggia, he said, "He did his own work, he did
his own research,

Actually, he never once went into character the entire time I talked to him.

I think you can be both. You just can't admit it in the Comments section.

Best moment of the interview that wasn't included: when I got a text during our conversation, the resulting beep (I swear, I thought I'd set it on vibrate) caused Garber to stop mid-answer to say in a very deep voice, "How DARE you," then he went right on with his answer.

I had half a dozen other items to ask him about, including that one, but we ran out of time when I interviewed him during the TCA tour, and we couldn't work out the scheduling to reconnect by phone before the piece needed to run.

I can't believe I'm taking the time to write this, either, but…buried beneath the Claymation dinosaurs was this mindblowing concept of portals which take those who pass through them into alternate dimensions and through time and space. Not that it hasn't been done before elsewhere, but, still, it would've been cool to

I talked to Tom Kenny for the AV Club recently, but prior to that, we chatted for Popdose.com, where he said this about playing Yancy Fry on "Futurama":

Hilarity is relative. Very, very relative. But even accepting that you and others find it hilarious (and that I and a hell of a lot of other people don't), given the amount of awesome sci-fi potential inherent in the concept, it was still a missed opportunity of gargantuan proportions.

Thank God someone has given Klinton Spilsbury a shout-out. I was in a discussion a few days ago with someone who groused about how it'd be better to have an unknown playing in "The Lone Ranger," and I was, like, "It's been done, and despite Hollywood's notoriously short memory span, I'm sure *someone* remembers what

Stay tuned: a "Random Roles" interview w/ Mira Sirvino will be turning up before you know it. (I talked to her during the TCA tour, too.)

Yeah, but, y'see, the whole point of parties during the TCA tour is for the actors, directors, producers, and writers to promote their latest TV effort. That's the only reason the party is being held…and Perry knew that, having had to run the TCA gauntlet throughout the run of "Friends" and, at least once, for "Studio

And he was one of the co-creators of the show he was there to promote ("Mr. Sunshine")! I just don't get that guy. And to think that he used to be my favorite Friend…

Lisa Kudrow was wonderful. Matthew Perry, not so much. At all. In fact, when I met him last year…well, just go here - http://tinyurl.com/2uf33s9 - and then scroll down 'til you see the bit entitled "Most unpleasant reminder that, no matter how much you've enjoyed someone's work on television, they still see you as a

One of the road-trip memories I didn't mention in my write-up was how I used to love listening to my father's 8-track of Edgar Bergen and Charlie McCarthy. I can still remember how excited I got when they turned up in "The Muppet Movie," a reaction I'd bet precious few 10-year-olds had at the time.

I don't DISlike "Adventure Time." I just don't happen to watch it very much. But after getting reamed repeatedly over not fitting it into the John DiMaggio interview, I'd have to be out of my mind to not at least bring it up with Mr. Kenny. That it ended up at the end of the conversation is incidental. Besides, can

Had to be done, man. If "Mr. Show" is on their resume, I've got to ask them about it. It's in my contract.

I definitely didn't call it "genius." But I am indeed digging it nonetheless.

Before Cranston cared about good writing…
Although it didn't come up when Noel Murray did the "Random Roles" piece with Mr. Cranston, I talked to him for Bullz-Eye.com and asked him what he remembered about his first TV gig, which was a role on CHiPs."