
Also Backup being the name of VMars' dog.

If CBS doesn't use the final line of this review in all of their Good Wife promos, they aren't doing their job properly.

I thought that the "hating forever" thing was about how she *really* died.

The Promo better be a fakeout over Fusco. And if they follow through with it it better not be because <crazy paranoid="" theory=""> the machine caused it because Finch took Root prisoner </crazy>

Calling it now: Margaux is the real Amanda Clarke.

I believe the Machine only gives out Social Security Numbers (To everyone, including the Govt) so that it wouldn't be a violation of the 4th amendment of the constitution.  That way no actual people would be looking at the unwarranted information.

When I saw "Sophie Deveraux" in that review I thought that this show was a Leverage crossover :(

The "Presenting you with a baby gift based on your shopping habits" thing actually happened in real life.  Target in the US was doing it:

Doesn't the Person of Interest every week appear in the intro?

+1 on the comments about the great reviews.