Bad Horse

If there was ever a time for the big red NO…

Isn't Wallace Shawn best known to every audience from The Princess Bride?


That sweater was, like, that episode's only redeeming value.

I took every piece of territory in Los Santos before the Big Smoke reveal. 10 hours of straight up gangbanging utterly lost.

The tone in GTA IV wasn't the problem.

Cookie, that premise is uncomfortably close to Voyager. If only they didn't fuck it up, you'd have something.


And if those genes get activated and cells start reproducing in a different fashion than the rest of the host? That's called cancer and you die.

" It would be nice to ahve a sort of 'Upstairs/Downstairs' thing going on, but that would be a whole other series (one that I would watch)…"

I expect a healthy dose of notes.

Nice opinion, Armond

"I didn't think she'd be so young". Awesome.

One step forward this week, two back next week.

He was crippled with guilt at having driven sexy away, and vowed to bring it back.

She wears revealing clothes and is promiscuous!

She will possess his car

"Greatness…harrowingly poignant!"

I bet riding this airboat is like having sex with me!