astro scientician

I loved the lasagna line.

this is what I thought…that Jesse could've seen any number of the random dudes hanging out and decided that was "the guy".  Also, just floating this…am I crazy for thinking that Walt's phone call has to do with offing Hank rather than Jesse?

big thumbs up to "the Heisenberg Hug"

I fucking loved both Skyler's and Jr's "will you PLEASE stop lying" faces.  Because that's how I feel as a viewer.

same.  thought it was a message, thought Hank had him.  excellent misdirection/direction.

duh doi, I totally did forget I could do that.  I'm so lazy - if one click doesn't deliver, I complain.

I hate links in disqus.  I often enjoy what's on the other end, but then having to page back through the comments is ultra annoying.


seriously, great job, DonnadB.  keep the guac for yourself, you continue to earn it.


this is one of my most favorite, best-est ONeals ever.

(SPOILERS)  he does.

You know, it never even entered my head for a second that anyone reading that would *not* understand that it's a joke. So I guess I'm impressed.

I dunno, I'm kind of thinking we should all do it.

I agree, if not to the degree you take it.  And that's the tragedy: everyone pretty much sucks, despite their best intention, and deserves their fate.  There are no good guys in this.  (obviously this is to the major players, not the kids etc).

the same principle applies, though: from the same amount of weight, I have, with my 98% pure v your 68% pure, 150 bags to your 100 to sell, for the same high, per shipment.  I have more product, which is the point of stepping on bags to begin with.  It's not about the users, it's about the sellers.  As long as you're

hang down your head

au contraire - I think she's going to be the strong link that takes them all down.

think about his meticulous cleansing of the house after bombing Fring, including pouring the whiskey, starting to drink, and then remembering the Lily of the Valley plant.  He's soo careful with so many details that threaten him, except for the book.  Inscribed with the phrase "my other favorite WW".  Hubris indeed. 

this being a tragedy, I'm almost certain that, indeed, all he's done will be for nothing.  nothing but himself.